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Class: FunctionApproximation.Problem
Namespace: FunctionApproximation

Solve for optimized solution to function approximation problem


solution = solve(problem)


solution = solve(problem) solves the optimization problem defined by the FunctionApproximation.Problem object, problem, and returns the optimized result, solution, as a FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution object.

Input Arguments

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Optimization problem specified as a FunctionApproximation.Problem object defining the function or Math Function block to approximate, or the Lookup Table block to optimize, and other parameters and constraints to use during the optimization process.

Output Arguments

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Approximation solution, returned as a FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution object.


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Create a FunctionApproximation.Problem object, specifying a math function to approximate.

problem = FunctionApproximation.Problem('log')
problem = 

  FunctionApproximation.Problem with properties

    FunctionToApproximate: @(x)log(x)
           NumberOfInputs: 1
               InputTypes: "numerictype(1,16,10)"
         InputLowerBounds: 0.6250
         InputUpperBounds: 15.6250
               OutputType: "numerictype(1,16,13)"
                  Options: [1×1 FunctionApproximation.Options]

Use default values for all other options.

Use the solve method to generate an approximation of the function.

solution = solve(problem)
|    ID |   Memory (bits) |   ConstraintMet |      Table Size | Breakpoints WLs |    TableData WL |   BreakpointSpecification |             Error(Max,Current) | 
|     0 |              64 |               0 |               2 |              16 |              16 |           EvenPow2Spacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.178125e+00 |
|     1 |            1984 |               1 |             122 |              16 |              16 |           EvenPow2Spacing |     7.812500e-03, 4.192649e-03 |
|     2 |            1024 |               0 |              62 |              16 |              16 |           EvenPow2Spacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.416713e-02 |
|     3 |            1968 |               1 |             121 |              16 |              16 |           EvenPow2Spacing |     7.812500e-03, 4.192649e-03 |
|     4 |              64 |               0 |               2 |              16 |              16 |               EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.138984e+00 |
|     5 |             416 |               1 |              13 |              16 |              16 |            ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 7.310789e-03 |

Best Solution
|    ID |   Memory (bits) |   ConstraintMet |      Table Size | Breakpoints WLs |    TableData WL |   BreakpointSpecification |             Error(Max,Current) |
|     5 |             416 |               1 |              13 |              16 |              16 |            ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 7.310789e-03 |

solution = 

  FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution with properties

          ID: 5
    Feasible: "true"

You can then use the approximate method to generate a subsystem containing the lookup table approximation.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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