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Class: fxpOptimizationOptions

Show tolerances specified for a system




showTolerances(options) displays the absolute and relative tolerances specified for a system using the addTolerance method of the fxpOptimizationOptions class. If the options object has no tolerances specified, the showTolerances method does not display anything.

Input Arguments

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fxpOptimizationOptions object specifying options and tolerances to use during the data type optimization process.


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Load the system for which you want to optimize the data types.


Create a fxpOptimizationOptions object with default property values.

options = fxpOptimizationOptions;

To specify a required numeric tolerance to use during the optimization process, use the addTolerance method of the fxpOptimizationOptions object. To specify several tolerance constraints, call the method once per constraint. You can specify either relative, or absolute tolerance constraints.

addTolerance(options, 'ex_auto_gain_controller/output_signal', 1, 'AbsTol', 5e-2);
addTolerance(options, 'ex_auto_gain_controller/input_signal', 1, 'RelTol', 1e-2);

Use the showTolerances method to display all tolerance constraints added to a specified fxpOptimizationOptions object.

                      Path                       Port_Index    Tolerance_Type    Tolerance_Value
    _________________________________________    __________    ______________    _______________

    {'ex_auto_gain_controller/output_signal'}        1           {'AbsTol'}           0.05      
    {'ex_auto_gain_controller/input_signal' }        1           {'RelTol'}           0.01      

ans =

  2x4 table

                      Path                       Port_Index    Tolerance_Type    Tolerance_Value
    _________________________________________    __________    ______________    _______________

    {'ex_auto_gain_controller/output_signal'}        1           {'AbsTol'}           0.05      
    {'ex_auto_gain_controller/input_signal' }        1           {'RelTol'}           0.01      

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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