Find Multiple Local Solutions Using MultiStart
or GlobalSearch
, Problem-Based
In solutions to problems that use the MultiStart
or GlobalSearch
function with the problem-based approach, the output
structure contains a field named local
that has information about the local solutions. For example, find the local solutions to the rastriginsfcn
function of two variables, which is available when you run this example, by using MultiStart
x = optimvar("x",LowerBound=-50,UpperBound=50); y = optimvar("y",LowerBound=-50,UpperBound=50); fun = rastriginsfcn([x,y]); prob = optimproblem(Objective=fun); ms = MultiStart; x0.x = -30; x0.y = 20; rng default % For reproducibility [sol,fval,exitflag,output] = solve(prob,x0,ms,MinNumStartPoints=50);
Solving problem using MultiStart. MultiStart completed the runs from all start points. All 50 local solver runs converged with a positive local solver exitflag.
x: 6.8842e-10 y: 1.0077e-09
How many local solutions does MultiStart
multisols = output.local.sol; N = numel(multisols)
N = 46
Plot the values.
starts from 50 initial points, but finds only 46 solutions. MultiStart
reports that all runs converged. Therefore, some solutions have multiple initial points leading to those solutions. Find the x0
values that list multiple initial points.
myx0 = output.local.x0; sx = zeros(size(myx0)); for i = 1:length(sx) sx(i) = numel(myx0{i}); end mults = find(sx >= 2)
mults = 1×4
13 17 25 36
Determine whether fmincon
, starting from two initial points in mults(1)
, ends at the same solution.
pts = myx0(mults(1)); r = pts{1}.x; t01.x = r(1); s = pts{1}.y; t01.y = s(1); disp(t01)
x: -30 y: 20
opts = optimoptions("fmincon",Display="none"); sol1 = solve(prob,t01,Options=opts)
sol1 = struct with fields:
x: -1.9899
y: -2.9849
t02.x = r(2); t02.y = s(2); disp(t02)
x: 34.9129 y: -24.5718
sol2 = solve(prob,t02,Options=opts)
sol2 = struct with fields:
x: -1.9899
y: -2.9849
Even though the starting points t01
and t02
are far apart, the solutions sol1
and sol2
are identical to display precision.
See Also
| solve
| GlobalSearch