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Multiplier partitioning threshold

Partition multipliers based on a threshold

Model Configuration Pane: Optimization / Resource sharing


The Multiplier partitioning threshold parameter partitions multipliers in the design based on a threshold value. The threshold must be a positive integer value, N.


Inf (default)
N, where N is an integer greater than or equal to 2

Partition multipliers so that N is the maximum multiplier input bit width.

This parameter specifies the maximum input bit width for a multiplier. If at least one of the inputs to the multiplier has a bit width greater than the threshold value, the code generator splits the multiplier into smaller multipliers.

To improve hardware mapping results, set the multiplier partitioning threshold to the input bit width of the DSP or multiplier hardware on your target device.


Do not partition multipliers.


To set this property, use the functions hdlset_param or makehdl. To view the property value, use the function hdlget_param.

For example, you can set the MultiplierPartitioningThreshold to 16 when you generate HDL code for the symmetric_fir subsystem inside the sfir_fixed model using either of these methods.

  • Pass the property as an argument to the makehdl function.

    makehdl('sfir_fixed/symmetric_fir', ... 
  • When you use hdlset_param, you can set the parameter on the model and then generate HDL code using makehdl.

    hdlset_param('sfir_fixed', 'MultiplierPartitioningThreshold',16)

Recommended Settings

No recommendations.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: MultiplierPartitioningThreshold
Type: integer
Value: integer greater than or equal to 0
Default: Inf

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

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