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Target Language and Folder Selection Parameters

This page describes configuration parameters in the HDL Code Generation pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box. By using these parameters, you can specify the Subsystem that you want to generate HDL code for, the target HDL language, and the target folder into which code is generated.

Restore Model Defaults

This button resets the model-level HDL settings to the default values. The block settings are not changed. To clear the block settings, use hdlrestoreparams.


If you clear the model-level settings, you cannot restore the previous settings. To restore the settings, close the model without saving and then reopen the model.

Command-Line Information

Function: hdlrestoreparams
Type: character vector
Value: model name
Default: ''

Run Compatibility Checker

This setting checks whether the Subsystem that you specify by using Generate HDL for is compatible for HDL code generation. The setting generates a HDL Check Report that displays errors, warnings, and messages. See Check Subsystem for HDL Compatibility.

Command-Line Information

Function: checkhdl
Type: character vector
Value: subsystem or model name
Default: ''

See Also



This setting generates HDL code for the Subsystem that you specify by using Generate HDL for. If the Subsystem is not HDL-compatible, the code generator displays errors in the HDL Check Report.

Command-Line Information

Function: makehdl
Type: character vector
Value: subsystem or model name
Default: ''

See Also


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