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Fluid Machines

Devices for mechanical-fluid energy conversion

Use these blocks to convert two-phase fluid flows into mechanical energy.

Simscape Blocks

Centrifugal Pump (2P)Centrifugal pump in a two-phase fluid network (Since R2023b)
Compressor (2P)Two-phase fluid compressor in a thermodynamic cycle (Since R2022a)
Positive-Displacement Compressor (2P)Positive displacement compressor in a two-phase fluid network (Since R2022a)
Fixed-Displacement Pump (2P)Mechanical-hydraulic power conversion device (Since R2022b)
Variable-Displacement Pump (2P)Variable-displacement bidirectional two-phase fluid pump (Since R2022b)
Turbine (2P)Two-phase turbine in a thermodynamic cycle (Since R2022b)

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