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Pipe Bend (MA)

Pipe bend segment in a moist air network

Since R2023a

  • Pipe Bend (MA) block icon

Simscape / Fluids / Moist Air / Pipes & Fittings


The Pipe Bend (MA) block represents a curved pipe in a moist air network. You can define the pipe characteristics to calculate losses due to friction and pipe curvature.

Pipe Curvature Loss Coefficient

The coefficient for pressure losses due to geometry changes comprises an angle correction factor, Cangle, and a bend coefficient, Cbend:


The block calculates Cangle as:


where θ is the value of the Bend angle parameter, in degrees.

The block calculates Cbend from the tabulated ratio of the bend radius, r, to the pipe diameter, d, for 90° bends from data based on Crane [1]:

Diagram displaying 90° pipe bend

K20 fT14 fT12 fT12 fT14 fT17 fT24 fT30 fT34 fT38 fT42 fT50 fT58 fT

The block interpolates the friction factor, fT, for clean commercial steel from tabular data based on the pipe diameter [1]. This table contains the pipe friction data for clean commercial steel pipe with flow in the zone of complete turbulence.

Nominal size (mm)51015202532405072.5100125150225350609.5
Friction factor, fT.

The correction factor is valid for a ratio of bend radius to diameter between 1 and 24. Beyond this range, the block employs nearest-neighbor extrapolation.

Losses Due to Friction in Laminar Flows

The pressure loss formulations are the same for the flow at ports A and B.

When the flow in the pipe is fully laminar, or below Re = 2000, the pressure loss over the bend is



  • μ is the relative humidity.

  • λ is the Darcy friction factor constant, which is 64 for laminar flow.

  • ρI is the internal fluid density.

  • d is the pipe diameter.

  • L is the bend length segment, which is the product of the Bend radius and the Bend angle parameters: Lbend=rbendθ.

  • A is the pipe cross-sectional area, π4d2.

  • m˙port is the mass flow rate at the respective port.

Losses due to Friction in Turbulent Flows

When the flow is fully turbulent, or greater than Re = 4000, the pressure loss in the pipe is:


where fD is the Darcy friction factor. The block approximates this value by using the empirical Haaland equation and the Internal surface absolute roughness parameter. The block takes the differential over each half of the pipe segment, between port A to an internal node, and between the internal node and port B.

Pressure Differential

The block calculates the pressure loss over the bend based on the internal fluid volume pressure, pI :



Mass and Energy Balance

The net flow rates into the moist air volume inside the pipe bend are



  • m˙ is the mass flow rate. The subscript w denotes water vapor, the subscript g denotes trace gas, and the subscript d denotes water droplets.

  • λd is the value of the Fraction of condensate entrained as water droplets parameter.

  • m˙w,cond is the rate of water vapor condensation due to a saturated fluid volume.

  • m˙w,conv is the rate of condensation on the wall surface.

  • m˙d,evap is the rate of water droplet evaporation.

  • Φ is the energy flow rate.

The mass conservation equations for the mixture relate the pressure, temperature, and internal moist air volume mass fractions



  • pI is the pressure of the internal volume.

  • ρI is the density of the internal volume.

  • TI is the temperature of the internal volume.

  • V is the volume.

  • Ra, Rg, Rw, and RI are the specific gas constants of the air, gas, water vapor, and internal volume, respectively.

  • xw is the specific humidity.

  • xg is the trace gas mass fraction.

The energy conservation equation relates the energy flow rate to the pressure, temperature, and internal moist air volume mass fractions



  • uI is the internal energy.

  • cpI is the specific heat.

  • rd is the mass ratio of water droplets to moist air.

  • cpdI is the water droplet specific heat.

  • m˙d,total is the total water droplet mass flow rate.

  • hdI is the water droplet specific enthalpy.

  • ϕA is the energy flow rate at port A.

  • ϕB is the energy flow rate at port B.

  • m˙w,cond is the rate of water vapor condensation due to a saturated fluid volume.

  • λd is the value of the Fraction of condensate entrained as water droplets parameter.

  • ϕA is the energy flow rate at port A.

  • ϕB is the energy flow rate at port B.

The mass conservation equation for the water droplets relates the water vapor mass flow rate to the internal moist air volume moisture level


The trace gas mass conservation equation relates the trace gas mass flow rate to the internal moist air volume trace gas level


The water droplets mass conservation equation relates the water droplet mass flow rate to the entrained water droplet dynamics in the internal moist air volume




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Moist air conserving port associated with the liquid entry or exit port.

Moist air conserving port associated with the liquid entry or exit port.


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Diameter of the pipe.

Radius of the circle formed by the pipe bend.

Swept degree of the pipe bend.

Pipe wall absolute roughness. The block uses this parameter to determine the Darcy friction factor, which contributes to pressure loss in the pipe.

Effects and Initial Conditions

Moist air pressure at the start of the simulation.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial pressure parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.

Initial moist air temperature.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial temperature parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.

Method to specify the initial moist air humidity.

Relative humidity in the moist air at the start of the simulation. The relative humidity is the ratio of the water vapor partial pressure to the water vapor saturation pressure, or the ratio of the water vapor mole fraction to the water vapor mole fraction at saturation.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Relative humidity.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial relative humidity parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Relative humidity.

Specific humidity in the moist air at the start of simulation. The specific humidity is the mass fraction of water vapor to the combined total mass of water vapor, trace gas, and dry air.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Specific humidity.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial specific humidity parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Specific humidity.

Mole fraction of the water vapor in the moist air channel at the start of simulation. The water vapor mole fraction is relative to the combined molar quantity of water vapor, trace species, and dry air.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Mole fraction.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial water vapor mole fraction parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Mole fraction.

Humidity ratio in the moist air channel at the start of the simulation. The humidity ratio is the ratio of the mass of water vapor to the mass of dry air and trace gas.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Humidity ratio.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial humidity ratio humidity parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Humidity ratio.

Wet-bulb temperature at the start of the simulation. The block uses this value to calculate moisture.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Wet-bulb temperature.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial wet-bulb temperature parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.


To enable this parameter, set Initial humidity specification to Wet-bulb temperature.

Measurement type of trace gas.

Amount of trace gas in the moist air by mass fraction at the start of the simulation. The mass fraction is relative to the combined total mass of water vapor, trace gas, and dry air.

The block ignores this parameter if the Trace gas model parameter in the Moist Air Properties (MA) block is None.


To enable this parameter, set Initial trace gas specification to Mass fraction.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial trace gas mass fraction priority parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.


To enable this parameter, set Initial trace gas specification to Mass fraction.

Amount of trace gas in the moist air channel by mole fraction at the start of the simulation. The mole fraction is relative to the combined molar total of water vapor, trace gas, and dry air.

The block ignores this parameter if the Trace gas model parameter in the Moist Air Properties (MA) block is None.


To enable this parameter, set Initial trace gas specification to Mole fraction.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial trace gas mole fraction priority parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.


To enable this parameter, set Initial trace gas specification to Mole fraction.

Initial mass ratio of water droplets to moist air.

Priority the solver assigns to the Initial mass ratio of water droplets to moist air priority parameter when initializing the block.

Set this parameter to High to define your initial conditions. You may need to set this parameter to Low or None if this initial condition conflicts with the initial conditions of another block.

Relative humidity point of condensation. Condensation occurs above this value. A value greater than 1 indicates a supersaturated vapor.

Characteristic time scale at which an oversaturated moist air volume returns to saturation by condensing out excess moisture.

Characteristic time scale at which water droplets evaporate to vapor.

Fraction of the condensate in the moist air that is entrained as water droplets.


[1] Crane Co. Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe TP-410. Crane Co., 1981.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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