Pressure Reducing Valve
(To be removed) Valve used to reduce pressure to a specified value
The Hydraulics (Isothermal) library will be removed in a future release. Use the Isothermal Liquid library instead. (since R2020a)
For more information on updating your models, see Upgrading Hydraulic Models to Use Isothermal Liquid Blocks.
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Hydraulics (Isothermal) /
Valves /
Pressure Control Valves
The Pressure Reducing Valve block models the flow through a valve that constricts so as to maintain a preset gauge pressure at its outlet (port B). The normally open valve contracts when the outlet pressure, measured against atmospheric pressure, exceeds the valve pressure setting. The drop in opening area is a function of the outlet pressure—proportional to it in a linear parameterization (the block default) or a general function of it in a tabulated parameterization. The valve serves its purpose until it hits the limit of its pressure regulation range—a point at which the valve is fully closed and the outlet pressure can again rise unabated.
Valve Opening
The figures show the opening characteristics of the valve. In the default valve parameterization, the opening area (S) drops linearly with the outlet pressure (pB) with its value ranging from a maximum in the fully open position (SMax) to a minimum in the fully closed position (SLeak). The drop occurs over a pressure range stretching from the valve pressure setting (pSet) to a maximum equal to the sum of the valve regulation range (pReg) and the valve pressure setting.
Opening area in the Linear area-opening
In the optional tabulated parameterization, the opening area is a general function of the outlet pressure, with its value dropping from a maximum (SMax) to a minimum (SMin) contained in the tabulated data. The maximum opening occurs at the minimum pressure (pMin) contained in the data and the minimum opening at the maximum pressure (pMax). Calculations are based on linear interpolation (between the tabulated bounds) and nearest-neighbor extrapolation (outside of those bounds).
Opening area in the Tabulated data - Area vs.
Composite Diagram
This block is a composite component with a Pressure Compensator block connected as follows: its sensor port X connected to its outlet (port B) and its sensor port Y connected to a hydraulic reference. The hydraulic reference is by definition at atmospheric pressure as defined for the entire hydraulic network. For detailed block calculations see the Pressure Compensator block (noting that quantities at port X are defined at port B and those at port Y are defined at reference conditions).
Composite model of the pressure relief valve