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Data Acquisition with Velodyne LiDAR Sensors

Acquire point clouds from Velodyne LiDAR sensors

You access the point cloud data using the velodynelidar object. You can preview and read point clouds from the supported Velodyne LiDAR® sensors.


velodynelidarStream point clouds from Velodyne LiDAR lidar sensor (Since R2020b)
previewPreview of live point cloud data from Velodyne LiDAR sensor (Since R2020b)
closePreviewClose preview of live point cloud data from Velodyne LiDAR sensor (Since R2020b)
startStart streaming point clouds from Velodyne LiDAR sensor (Since R2020b)
flushDelete point clouds in velodynelidar object buffer (Since R2020b)
readAcquire point clouds from velodynelidar object buffer (Since R2020b)
stopStop streaming point clouds from Velodyne LiDAR sensor (Since R2020b)


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