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Configure MATLAB Session Settings

In the resourceDefinition section of the matlab-pool.yaml file, these fields configure how long before MATLAB® sessions time out. The default field values are shown. Units are in minutes.

  maxLifetimeMinutes: 240
  defaultLifetimeMinutes: 120
  maxInactivityTimeoutMinutes: 30
  defaultInactivityTimeoutMinutes: 15

This table describes the type of session timeouts you can configure and which YAML fields to update.

GoalField to Update

Set the number of minutes that MATLAB Online Server™ waits before terminating the MATLAB session.

MATLAB Online Server terminates the session regardless of whether the user is still active.



For simplicity, consider setting defaultLifetimeMinutes to the same value as maxLifetimeMinutes.

Set the number of minutes that the MATLAB Online™ user interface waits for activity before terminating the MATLAB session.

Session activity is defined as any mouse or keyboard movements or any API requests.



For simplicity, consider setting defaultInactivityTimeoutMinutes to the same value as maxInactivityTimeoutMinutes.

This diagram shows a session that terminates due to inactivity. After 100 minutes, the user becomes inactivate. After 30 consecutive minutes of inactivity (maxInactivityTimeoutMinutes and default InactivityTimeoutMinutes are set to 30), the MATLAB Online interface terminates the session.

A session terminated due to user inactivity

This diagram shows a session that terminates when it reaches the maximum session time. The user remains active for the entire session, but after 240 minutes (maxLifetimeMinutes = 240), the MATLAB Online interface terminates the session.

A session terminated due to reaching the maximum session time

To apply your changes, undeploy and redeploy the MATLAB pool service.

./mosadm undeploy matlab-pool
./mosadm deploy matlab-pool

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