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mxGetClassName (Fortran)

Class of mxArray as string

Use mxGetClassName for classes defined without a classdef statement.

Fortran Syntax

#include "fintrf.h"
character*(*) mxGetClassName(pm)
mwPointer pm


mxGetClassName returns the class of an mxArray. The class identifies the kind of data the mxArray is holding. For example, if pm points to a logical mxArray, mxGetClassName returns logical.

mxGetClassName is similar to the mxGetClassID function.

  • mxGetClassName returns the class as a string, as described in mxIsClass.

  • mxGetClassID returns the class as an integer identifier, as described in mxClassID.

Input Arguments

expand all

Pointer to an mxArray array, specified as mwPointer.

Output Arguments

expand all

Class name, specified as character*(*).

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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