No Matching Signature Error
This error occurs when you call a function without the correct input or output arguments, or if there is an error in the function signature in the header file.
For example, the function signature for the addStructByRef
in shrlibsample
[double, c_structPtr] addStructByRef(c_structPtr)
Load the library.
addpath(fullfile(matlabroot,'extern','examples','shrlib')) loadlibrary('shrlibsample')
Create a structure, and call addStructByRef
struct.p1 = 4; struct.p2 = 7.3; struct.p3 = -290;
If you call the function without the input argument, MATLAB® displays the error message.
[res,st] = calllib('shrlibsample','addStructByRef')
Error using calllib No method with matching signature.
The correct call is:
[res,st] = calllib('shrlibsample','addStructByRef',struct)