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Resolve Error: Attempt to Add Variable to a Static Workspace.


The workspaces for nested and anonymous functions are static. This means that all variables used within the function must be present in the text of the code.

If you attempt to dynamically add a variable to the static workspace of an anonymous function, a nested function, or a function that contains a nested function, then MATLAB® issues an error of the form

Attempt to add variable to a static workspace. 

For more information about the differences between the base and function workspaces, see Base and Function Workspaces. For more information about nested functions, see Nested Functions.

Possible Solutions

Declare Variable in Advance

One way to avoid dynamically adding a variable to static workspaces is to explicitly declare the variable in the code before dynamically assigning a value to that variable. Doing so will cause the variable name to be visible to MATLAB, so the name will be included in the fixed set of variables that make up the static workspace.

For example, suppose a script named makeX.m dynamically assigns a value to variable X. A function that calls makeX and explicitly declares X avoids the dynamic adding error because X is in the function workspace.

A common way to declare a variable is to initialize its value to an empty array:

function noerror


    function nestedfx
        X = [];

Using eval, evalin, or assignin to Assign New Variables In a Nested Function

Using eval, evalin, or assignin to assign new variables inside of a nested functions will generate an error.

function staticWorkspaceErrors
    function nest
    % This will error since x is not declared outside of the eval

If possible, avoid these functions altogether. See Alternatives to the eval Function. If it is not possible to avoid them, then explicitly declare the variable within the parent function:

function noStaticWorkspaceErrors
    x = [];
    function nest
    % This will not error since 'x' is declared outside of the eval

Using a MATLAB script to Assign New Variables In a Nested Function

Calling a MATLAB script that creates a variable inside of a nested function will generate an error. In the example below, the script, scriptThatIntroducesZ, contains code that assigns a value to the variable z. Since the code does not explicitly declare that z is being assigned an error will be thrown.

function staticWorkspaceErrors
    function nest
    % This will error since 'z' is not declared outside of this script

To avoid an error, declare the variable within the function before calling the script that assigns a value to it.

function noStaticWorkspaceErrors
    function nest
    % This will not error since 'z' is declared outside of the script
        z = [];

Alternatively, convert the script to a function and make z its output argument. This approach also makes the code clearer.

Use Explicit Variable Name with load Function

Using load to assign variables inside of a nested function, without explicitly specifying the variable name will generate an error. In the example below, load is used to load a MAT-file containing the variable Y. Since the code does not explicitly declare that Y is being assigned an error will be thrown.

function staticWorkspaceErrors
    function nest
        % This will error since var Y is not explicitly specified
        load MatFileWithVarY 

To avoid an error, instead specify the variable name as an input to the load function.

function noStaticWorkspaceErrors
    function nest
    % This will not error since variables 'x' and 'y' are specified    
        load MatFileWithVarX x
        y = load('MatFileWithVarY','y');

Alternatively, assign the output from the load function to a structure array.

Assigning a Variable in the MATLAB Debugger in a Nested Function

While debugging, you cannot add a variable using the debug command prompt if you are stopped in a nested function. Assign the variable into the base workspace, which is not static.

K>> assignin('base','X',myvalue)

Assigning a Variable in an Anonymous Functions

Anonymous functions cannot contain variable assignments. When the anonymous function is called an error will be thrown.

% This will error since 'x' is being assigned inside 
% the anonymous function

Rewrite the function in such a way that variable assignments are not required.

xEquals2 = @()2;
x = xEquals2()
x =


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