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matlab.editor Settings

Editor settings, including language, backup, and display settings

You can customize the visual appearance and behavior of the Editor using matlab.editor settings. Access matlab.editor settings using the root SettingsGroup object returned by the settings function. For example, set the temporary value for the maximum column width for comments to 80.

s = settings;
s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.MaxWidth.TemporaryValue = 80

For more information about settings, see Access and Modify Settings.


Use the MATLAB Editor, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 if you want the MATLAB desktop to use the MATLAB Editor when you edit a file.

This setting only applies to plain text files such as files with a .m or .txt extension.

Example: s.matlab.editor.UseMATLABEditor.TemporaryValue = 0

Other editor name, specified as a character vector.

If UseMATLABEditor is set to 0, specify the full path for the editor application you want to use, such as Emacs or vi.

Example: s.matlab.editor.OtherEditor.TemporaryValue = 'c:\Applications\Emacs.exe'

Number of recent files to display in the Open menu, specified as a positive integer.

Example: s.matlab.editor.RecentFileListSize.TemporaryValue = 5

Reopen files on restart, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 if you want the Editor and the files it contained during your last MATLAB session to reopen when you restart MATLAB.

To persist the value of ReopenFilesOnRestart across MATLAB sessions, set the personal value for the setting. To restore the default value for the setting, use the clearPersonalValue function.

Example: s.matlab.editor.ReopenFilesOnRestart.PersonalValue = 0

Example: clearPersonalValue(s.matlab.editor.ReopenFilesOnRestart)

Open a file at a breakpoint, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to open a running program file when MATLAB encounters a breakpoint in that file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.OpenFileAtBreakpoint.TemporaryValue = 0

Save files on click away, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 if you want the Editor to automatically save changes to a file in the Editor when you click away from the Editor. For the changes to be automatically saved upon clicking away from the Editor, you must have already saved the file at least once.

Example: s.matlab.editor.SaveFilesOnClickAway.TemporaryValue = 0

Reload files when they change, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 if you want the Editor to automatically reload the new version of a file that you opened and edited outside of MATLAB. MATLAB only reloads the file if it contains no unsaved changes.

Example: s.matlab.editor.ReloadFilesOnChange.TemporaryValue = 0

Add a new empty line on save, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to have MATLAB add a new empty line (sometimes referred to as a <CR>) to the end of a file automatically if the last line in the file is not empty.

This setting only applies to plain text files such as files with a .m or .txt extension.

Example: s.matlab.editor.AddLineTerminationOnSave.TemporaryValue = 0

Show the inline Step in buttons when debugging, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to show the Step in buttons when debugging. Set to 0 to hide the Step in buttons.

To specify whether to show the Step in buttons for all functions and scripts or only for user-defined functions and scripts, use the OnlyStepInToUserFunctions setting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.EnableInlineStepInButtons.TemporaryValue = 0

Step only into user-defined functions and scripts when debugging, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to only show the inline Step in buttons for user-defined functions and scripts when debugging. Set to 0 to show the buttons for all functions and scripts.

EnableInlineStepInButtons must be set to 1 for this setting to apply.

Example: s.matlab.editor.OnlyStepInToUserFunctions.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable animations in the Live Editor, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable for-loop animations in the Live Editor and show changes in plotted data over time.

Example: s.matlab.editor.AllowFigureAnimation.TemporaryValue = 0

Minimum number of frames needed to show playback controls for animations, specified as a positive integer between 2 and 10000. If an animation contains fewer frames than the specified minimum number, playback controls do not appear for that animation.

Example: s.matlab.editor.MinimumFramesForAnimation.TemporaryValue = 100

Display full path of files open in MATLAB Online, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to display the full path of files open in the MATLAB Online Editor and Live Editor. The path displays at the top of each open file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.DisplayFullPath.TemporaryValue = 0


Highlight the current line, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to highlight the current line. The current line is the line with the cursor (also called the caret). This setting does not apply in the Live Editor.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.HighlightCurrentLine.TemporaryValue = 0

Current line color, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0,255]. The current line is the line with the cursor (also called the caret).

HighlightCurrentLine must be set to 1 to see the change in the current line color.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.HighlightCurrentLineColor.TemporaryValue = [222 230 200]

Show line numbers, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to display line numbers along the left edge of the Editor window.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.ShowLineNumbers.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable data tips when editing, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to display data tips when you are editing a MATLAB code file. (Data tips are always enabled in debug mode.)

This setting does not apply in the Live Editor.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.DataTipsInEditMode.TemporaryValue = 0

Show Open as a Live Script banner, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to display the Open as a Live Script banner at the top of documents in the Editor.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.ShowOpenAsLiveScriptBanner.TemporaryValue = 0

Show Welcome to the Live Editor banner, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to display the Welcome to the Live Editor banner at the top of documents in the Live Editor.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.ShowWelcomeToLiveEditorBanner.TemporaryValue = 0

Disable the Reset Zoom keyboard shortcut, specified as 1 or 0. Set to 1 to disable the Reset Zoom keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+0 (Command+Alt+0 on macOS systems). When the Reset Zoom keyboard shortcut is disabled, you can still reset the zoom level in the Editor and Live Editor by going to the View tab and selecting Reset Zoom.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.DisableResetZoomKeyboardShortcut.TemporaryValue = 1

Enable zoom using the scroll wheel, specified as 1 or 0. Set to 0 to disable zooming in and out by holding the Ctrl key and moving the scroll wheel. When zooming using the scroll wheel is disabled, you can still change the zoom level using the Ctrl+Plus and Ctrl+Minus keyboard shortcuts (Command+Shift+Plus and Command+Shift+Minus on macOS systems). Alternatively, you can change the zoom level in the Editor and Live Editor by going to the View tab and selecting Zoom In or Zoom Out.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.EnableZoomOnScroll.TemporaryValue = 0

Focus outputs using keyboard when output is inline, specified as 1 or 0. Set to 1 to enable using the up arrow and down arrow keys to move focus to the output when output is inline.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.EnableInlineOutputFocus.TemporaryValue = 0


Display the line limit, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to display a vertical line at a specified column in the Editor to denote the right-hand text limit. LineColumn specifies the location of the line, and LineWidth specifies the width of the line.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.linelimit.ShowLine.TemporaryValue = 0

Location of the line limit, specified as a positive integer. Specify the location as a column number.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.linelimit.LineColumn.TemporaryValue = 80

Width of the line limit, specified as a positive integer.

s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.linelimit.LineWidth.TemporaryValue = 2

Color of the line limit, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.linelimit.LineColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Tab size (the number of spaces inserted when you press the Tab key), specified as a positive integer.

When you change the TabSize, it changes the tab size for existing lines in that file, unless you also set InsertSpaces to 1.

Example: = 5

Indent size for automatic indenting, specified as a positive integer. For more information about automatic indenting, see Edit and Format Code.

Example: = 5

Insert spaces when you press the Tab key, specified as a 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to insert a series of spaces when you press the Tab key. Otherwise, a tab acts as one space whose length is equal to the TabSize.

Example: = 0

Use Emacs indenting style, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to use an indenting style similar to the style that the Emacs editor uses.

Example: = 5


Indent the entire document, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to indent the entire document when automatically indenting in the Editor and Live Editor. Set to 0 to indent only the current line or selection.

Example: s.matlab.editor.indent.SmartIndentEntireDocument.TemporaryValue = 1

Add white space to empty lines, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to indent empty lines when automatically indenting in the Editor and Live Editor by adding white space to those lines. Set to 0 to indent only lines that are not empty.

Example: s.matlab.editor.indent.PadEmptyLines.TemporaryValue = 1

Remove automatically added white space, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to remove white space added by automatic indenting while typing in the Editor and Live Editor. Set to 0 to leave added white space as is.

Example: s.matlab.editor.indent.RemoveAutomaticWhitespace.TemporaryValue = 0


Enable MATLAB syntax highlighting, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to have the Editor use different colors for different language constructs. Then, adjust the colors you want to use for each language element. For more information, see Syntax Highlighting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.EnableSyntaxHighlighting.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable variable and function renaming, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to have MATLAB prompt you to rename all instances of a function or variable in a file when you rename a single instance.

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.EnableVariableAndFunctionRenaming.TemporaryValue = 0

Apply automatic indenting while typing, specified as SmartIndent or NoIndent.

Specify SmartIndent to automatically:

  • Indent the body of loops within the start and end of the loop statement.

  • Align subsequent lines with lines you indent using tabs or spaces.

  • Indent functions as specified with the FunctionIndentingFormat setting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.SmartIndentWhileTyping.TemporaryValue = 'NoIndent'

Function indenting format, specified as one of these values:

  • ClassicFunctionIndent — Align function code with the function declaration.

  • MixedFunctionIndent — Indent function code within a nested function.

  • AllFunctionIndent — Indent function code for both main and nested functions.

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.FunctionIndentingFormat.TemporaryValue = 'ClassicFunctionIndent'


Maximum number of characters in a comment line, specified as a positive integer.

Specify FromCommentStart to select where you want counting to begin.

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.MaxWidth.TemporaryValue = 80

Count maximum width from comment start, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to count width from the beginning of a comment. This is useful when comments are indented, and you want each block of comments to have the same indent and width.

Set to 0 to count width from the beginning of a line. This is useful when the absolute width of the comments is important. For example, set the maximum width to 75 columns and set FromCommentStart to 0 to make your code fit on a printed page when you use the default font for the Editor.

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.FromCommentStart.TemporaryValue = 0

Wrap comments automatically, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to automatically wrap comments after MaxWidth columns when you type comments in an Editor document.

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.WrapAutomatically.TemporaryValue = 0


Enable Markdown syntax highlighting, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to have the Editor use different colors for different Markdown constructs. Then, adjust the colors you want to use for each language element.

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.EnableSyntaxHighlighting.TemporaryValue = 0

Color of heading markdown, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.HeadingColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Color of horizontal rules, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.HorizontalRuleColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Color of bold markdown, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.BoldColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Color of italic markdown, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.ItalicColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Color of lists, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.ListColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Color of code blocks, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.CodeBlockColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Color of comments, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.CommentColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Color of block quotes, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.BlockQuoteColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Color of links, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.LinkColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]

Color of HTML markdown, specified as an RGB triplet with values in the range [0, 255].

Example: s.matlab.editor.language.markdown.HtmlColor.TemporaryValue = [173 235 255]


Enable code folding, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.EnableCodeFolding.TemporaryValue = 0

Fold arguments blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for arguments blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for arguments blocks is disabled.

Folding arguments blocks is only supported in MATLAB Online.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldArgumentsBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold arguments blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold arguments blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Folding arguments blocks is only supported in MATLAB Online.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldArgumentsBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold comments, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for comments. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for comments is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldComments.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold comments, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold comments the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldComments.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold block comments, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for block comments. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for block comments is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldBlockComments.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold block comments, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold block comments the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldBlockComments.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold class code, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for class code. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for class code is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldClassCode.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold class code, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold class code the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldClassCode.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold class enumeration blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for class enumeration blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for class enumeration blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldClassEnumerationBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold class enumeration blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold class enumeration blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldClassEnumerationBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold class event blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for class event blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for class event blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldClassEventBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold class event blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold class event blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldClassEventBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold class method blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for class method blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for class method blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldClassMethodBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold class method blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold class method blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldClassMethodBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold class properties blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for class properties blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for class properties blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldClassPropertiesBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold class properties blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold class properties blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldClassPropertiesBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold for and parfor blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for for and parfor blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for for and parfor blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldForAndParforBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold for and parfor blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold for and parfor blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldForAndParforBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold function code, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for function code. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for function code is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldFunctionCode.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold function code, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold function code the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldFunctionCode.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold if/else blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for if/else blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for if/else blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldIfElseBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold if/else blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold if/else blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldIfElseBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold sections, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for sections. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for sections is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldSections.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold sections, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold sections the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldSections.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold spmd blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for spmd (single program, multiple data) blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for spmd blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldSpmdBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold spmd blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold spmd (single program, multiple data) blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldSpmdBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold switch/case blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for switch/case blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for switch/case blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldSwitchCaseBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold switch/case blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold switch/case blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldSwitchCaseBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold try/catch blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for try/catch blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for try/catch blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldTryCatchBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold try/catch blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold try/catch blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldTryCatchBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1

Fold while blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable code folding for while blocks. EnableCodeFolding must be set to 1. Otherwise, code folding for while blocks is disabled.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.FoldWhileBlocks.TemporaryValue = 0

Initially fold while blocks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to fold while blocks the first time that you open a MATLAB file.

Example: s.matlab.editor.codefolding.InitiallyFoldWhileBlocks.TemporaryValue = 1


Enable file backups, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to automatically save copies of the files you are currently editing.

Example: s.matlab.editor.backup.EnableFileBackup.TemporaryValue = 0

How often to create backups of files you are editing, specified in minutes as a positive integer.

Example: s.matlab.editor.backup.Frequency.TemporaryValue = 6

Create backups of untitled files, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to save a copy of a new, untitled, file to Untitled.asv. When there is more than one untitled file, each additional file is saved to Untitledn.asv (where n is an integer value).

Example: s.matlab.editor.backup.SaveUntitled.TemporaryValue = 0

Delete backup files on close, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to direct MATLAB to delete the backup file when you close the source file in the Editor.

Example: s.matlab.editor.backup.DeleteOnClose.TemporaryValue = 0

Replace file extension of backup file, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to replace the original file name extension with the extension specified by FileExtensionToReplace. Set to 0 to append the original file name extension with the extension specified by FileExtensionToAppend.

Example: s.matlab.editor.backup.ReplaceExtension.TemporaryValue = 0

File extension of backup file to replace the original file name extension with, specified as a character vector.

Example: s.matlab.editor.backup.FileExtensionToReplace.TemporaryValue = 'asv'

File extension of backup file to append to the original file name, specified as a character vector.

Example: s.matlab.editor.backup.FileExtensionToAppend.TemporaryValue = '~'

Save backup files to the source folder, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to store backup files in the same folder as the files being edited. Otherwise, MATLAB saves the backup files in the folder specified by SaveToFolder.

Example: s.matlab.editor.backup.SaveIntoSourceFolder.TemporaryValue = 0

Folder name in which to store all backup files, specified as a character vector.

Specify the full path to that folder and be sure that you have write permissions for it.

SaveIntoSourceFolder must be set to 0. Otherwise, MATLAB stores backup files in the same folder as the files being edited.

Example: s.matlab.editor.backup.SaveToFolder.TemporaryValue = 'C:\backups'


Enable autoformatting, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable autoformatting in the Live Editor. Once enabled, specific types of formatting can then be enabled or disabled individually.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.EnableAutoFormatting.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable italic and bold formatting using asterisks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable bold and italic formatting using asterisks (*).

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.AsteriskForItalicAndBold.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable italic and bold formatting using underscores, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable bold and italic formatting using underscores (_).

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.UnderscoreForItalicAndBold.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable monospace formatting using backticks or bars, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable monospace formatting using backticks (`) or bars (|).

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.BacktickAndBarForMonospace.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable autoformatting for section breaks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable inserting section breaks by entering %%, ***, or --- and then Enter.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.SectionBreak.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable autoformatting for section breaks with headings, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable inserting section breaks with headings by entering %%text and then Enter.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.SectionBreakAndHeading.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable autoformatting for LaTeX expressions, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable converting LaTeX expressions into equations using the format $LaTeX$.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.DollarSignForLatex.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable autoformatting for URLs, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable converting URLs automatically to hyperlinks.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.URLToHyperlink.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable autoformatting for URLs using angle brackets, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable converting URLs to hyperlinks using the format <URL>.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.AngleBracketsForHyperlink.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable autoformatting for labeled hyperlinks, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable converting URLs to labeled hyperlinks using the format [Label](URL).

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.LabelURLToHyperlink.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable autoformatting for trademark and copyright symbols, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable inserting trademark and copyright symbols (™, ℠, ®, and ©) using the format (TM), (SM), (R), and (C).

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.TrademarkCopyrightSymbol.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable inserting titles using hashtags, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable inserting titles using the format #text.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.HashtagForTitle.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable inserting headings using hashtags, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable inserting headings using the format ##text for heading 1, ###text for heading 2, or ####text for heading 3.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autoformat.HashtagsForHeading.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable creating bulleted lists automatically, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable creating bulleted lists by entering *, +, or - followed by a space.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.AutomaticBulletedList.TemporaryValue = 0

Enable creating numbered lists automatically, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable creating numbered lists by entering 1., 2., and so on, followed by a space.

Example: s.matlab.editor.displaysettings.AutomaticNumberedList.TemporaryValue = 0


Show suggestions automatically, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to show suggestions as you type in the Editor, Live Editor, and App Designer. Set to 0 to show suggestions only when you press Ctrl+Space or the Tab key.

For more information about code suggestions and completions, see Check Syntax and Autocomplete Code as You Type.

Example: s.matlab.editor.suggestions.ShowAutomatically.TemporaryValue = 0

Show suggestions on tab, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to show suggestions when you press the Tab key in the Editor, Live Editor, and App Designer. Set to 0 to show suggestions only when you press Ctrl+Space.

For more information about code suggestions and completions, see Check Syntax and Autocomplete Code as You Type.

Example: s.matlab.editor.suggestions.ShowOnTab.TemporaryValue = 0

Accept suggestions on right arrow, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to accept suggestions using the Right Arrow key in the Editor, Live Editor, and App Designer. Set to 0 to accept suggestions only using the Tab and Enter keys.

For more information about code suggestions and completions, see Check Syntax and Autocomplete Code as You Type.

Example: s.matlab.editor.suggestions.AcceptOnRightArrow.TemporaryValue = 0


Enable autocoding, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable autocoding in the Live Editor and in App Designer. Once enabled, options can be enabled or disabled individually.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.EnableAutoCoding.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete parentheses, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of parentheses.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.Parentheses.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete curly braces, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of curly braces.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.CurlyBraces.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete square brackets, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of square brackets.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.SquareBrackets.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete single quotes, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of single quotes.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.SingleQuotes.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete double quotes, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of double quotes.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.DoubleQuotes.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete comments, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of comments when split across two lines.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.Comments.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete character vectors, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of character vectors when split across two lines.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.CharacterVectors.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete strings, specified as 1 or 0. Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of strings when split across two lines.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.Strings.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete parentheses when splitting, specified as 1 or 0. Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of parentheses when split across two lines.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.Strings.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete control flow statements, specified as 1 or 0. Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of control flow statements such as if and for.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.ControlFlows.TemporaryValue = 0

Autocomplete function and class definitions, specified as 1 or 0. Set to 1 to enable autocompletion of function and class definitions.

Example: s.matlab.editor.autocoding.Definitions.TemporaryValue = 0


Figure format when exporting from the Live Editor, specified as 'png' or 'jpeg'. The value of FigureFormat is used when exporting to all document types except LaTeX. For LaTeX documents, the value of matlab.editor.export.latex.FigureFormat is used instead. To export with the specified figure format, run the live script before exporting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.FigureFormat.TemporaryValue = 'jpeg'

To change the format of exported figures for an individual export document type, specify a value for that document type's FigureFormat setting. For example, the following code specifies the JPEG figure format when exporting to PDF documents in the Live Editor, and the PNG figure format when exporting to all other document types:

s.matlab.editor.export.FigureFormat.TemporaryValue = 'png'
s.matlab.editor.export.pdf.FigureFormat.TemporaryValue = 'jpeg'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.FigureFormat setting for all document types, clear the temporary and personal values for the individual export document type setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Figure resolution when exporting from the Live Editor, specified in DPI as a positive integer between 36 and 2880. To export with the specified figure resolution, run the live script before exporting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.FigureResolution.TemporaryValue = 800

To change the resolution of exported figures for an individual export type, specify a value for that document type's FigureResolution setting. For example, the following code specifies a figure resolution of 800 DPI when exporting to PDF documents in the Live Editor and a figure resolution of 1000 DPI when exporting to all other document types:

s.matlab.editor.export.FigureResolution.TemporaryValue = 1000
s.matlab.editor.export.pdf.FigureResolution.TemporaryValue = 800

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.FigureResolution setting for a document type, clear the temporary and personal values for that document type setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:



Paper size of documents when exporting from the Live Editor, specified as one of the standard paper type values in this table.


Paper Size (Width x Height)


8.5-by-11 in (default in US)


8.5-by-14 in


11-by-17 in


42-by-59.4 cm


29.7-by-42 cm


21-by-29.7 cm (default in Europe and Asia)


14.8-by-21 cm

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.PaperSize.TemporaryValue = 'Legal'

To change the paper size for an individual export document type, specify a value for that document type's PaperSize setting. For example, the following code specifies the Legal paper size when exporting to PDF documents in the Live Editor, and the A4 paper size when exporting to all other document types:

s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.PaperSize.TemporaryValue = 'A4'
s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.pdf.PaperSize.TemporaryValue = 'Legal'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.PaperSize setting for a document type, clear the temporary and personal values for that document type setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Page orientation of documents when exporting from the Live Editor, specified as 'Portrait' or 'Landscape'.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Orientation.TemporaryValue = 'Landscape'

To change the page orientation for an individual export document type, specify a value for that document type's Orientation setting. For example, the following code specifies a portrait page orientation when exporting to PDF documents in the Live Editor, and a landscape page orientation when exporting to all other document types:

s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Orientation.TemporaryValue = 'Landscape'
s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.pdf.Orientation.TemporaryValue = 'Portrait'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Orientation setting for a document type, clear the temporary and personal values for that document type setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Document margins when exporting from the Live Editor, specified as a 1-by-4 vector of margin values with the format [left top right bottom]. Each margin value is specified in points as a positive integer between 0 and 255. A value of 72 points is equivalent to 1 inch or 2.54 cm. The value of Margins is used when exporting to all document types except LaTeX. For LaTeX documents, the value of matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.latex.Margins is used instead.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Margins.TemporaryValue = [25 72 72 25]

To change the document margins for an individual export document type, specify a value for that document type's Margins setting. For example, the following code specifies 25-point margins when exporting to PDF documents in the Live Editor, and 90-point margins when exporting to all other document types:

s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Margins.TemporaryValue = [90 90 90 90]
s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.pdf.Margins.TemporaryValue = [25 25 25 25]

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Margins setting for a document type, clear the temporary and personal values for that document type setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:



Figure format when exporting to PDF documents from the Live Editor, specified as 'png', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'svg', or 'tiff'.

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.FigureFormat setting when exporting to PDF documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the figure format when exporting to PDF documents only. To export with the specified figure format, run the live script before exporting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pdf.FigureFormat.TemporaryValue = 'jpeg'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.FigureFormat setting for PDF documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Figure resolution when exporting to PDF documents from the Live Editor, specified in DPI as a positive integer between 36 and 2880.

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.FigureResolution setting when exporting to PDF documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the resolution of figures when exporting to PDF documents only. To export with the specified figure resolution, run the live script before exporting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pdf.FigureResolution.TemporaryValue = 800

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.FigureResolution setting for PDF documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:



Paper size of documents when exporting to PDF from the Live Editor, specified as one of the standard paper type values in this table.


Paper Size (Width x Height)


8.5-by-11 in


8.5-by-14 in


11-by-17 in


42-by-59.4 cm


29.7-by-42 cm


21-by-29.7 cm


14.8-by-21 cm

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.PaperSize setting when exporting to PDF documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the paper size of documents when exporting to PDF documents only.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.pdf.PaperSize.TemporaryValue = 'Legal'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.PaperSize setting for PDF documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Page orientation of documents when exporting to PDF from the Live Editor, specified as 'Portrait' or 'Landscape'.

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Orientation setting when exporting to PDF documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the page orientation of documents when exporting to PDF documents only.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.pdf.Orientation.TemporaryValue = 'Landscape'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Orientation setting for PDF documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Document margins when exporting to PDF from the Live Editor, specified as a 1-by-4 vector of margin values with the format [left top right bottom]. Each margin value is specified in points as a positive integer between 0 and 255. A value of 72 points is equivalent to 1 inch or 2.54 cm.

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Margins setting when exporting to PDF documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the margins of documents when exporting to PDF documents only.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.pdf.Margins.TemporaryValue = [20 28 28 20]

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Margins setting for PDF documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:



Figure format when exporting to LaTeX documents from the Live Editor, specified as 'eps', 'png', 'jpeg', or 'pdf'. By default, the value of this setting is 'eps' or 'png', depending on whether the live script was run before exporting or not.

Specify a value for this setting to change the figure format when exporting to LaTeX documents only. The Live Editor always uses the figure format value of this setting when exporting to LaTeX instead of the matlab.editor.export.FigureFormat setting. To export with the specified figure format, run the live script before exporting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.latex.FigureFormat.TemporaryValue = 'png'

Figure resolution when exporting to LaTeX documents from the Live Editor, specified in DPI as a positive integer between 36 and 2880.

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.FigureResolution setting when exporting to LaTeX documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the resolution of figures when exporting to LaTeX documents only. To export with the specified figure resolution, run the live script before exporting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.latex.FigureResolution.TemporaryValue = 800

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.FigureResolution setting for LaTeX documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:



Paper size of documents when exporting to LaTeX from the Live Editor, specified as one of the standard paper type values in this table.


Paper Size (Width x Height)


8.5-by-11 in


8.5-by-14 in


11-by-17 in


42-by-59.4 cm


29.7-by-42 cm


21-by-29.7 cm


14.8-by-21 cm

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.PaperSize setting when exporting to LaTeX documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the paper size of documents when exporting to LaTeX documents only.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.latex.PaperSize.TemporaryValue = 'Legal'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.PaperSize setting for LaTeX documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Page orientation of documents when exporting to LaTeX from the Live Editor, specified as 'Portrait' or 'Landscape'.

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Orientation setting when exporting to LaTeX documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the page orientation of documents when exporting to LaTeX documents only.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.latex.Orientation.TemporaryValue = 'Landscape'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Orientation setting for LaTeX documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Document margins when exporting to LaTeX from the Live Editor, specified as a 1-by-4 vector of margin values with the format [left top right bottom]. Each margin value is specified in points as a positive integer between 0 and 255. A value of 72 points is equivalent to 1 inch or 2.54 cm.

Specify a value for this setting to change the margins of documents when exporting to LaTeX documents only. The Live Editor always uses the margin values of this setting when exporting to LaTeX instead of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Margins setting.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.latex.Margins.TemporaryValue = [25 72 72 25]


Paper size of documents when exporting to Microsoft® Word from the Live Editor, specified as one of the standard paper type values in this table.


Paper Size (Width x Height)


8.5-by-11 in


8.5-by-14 in


11-by-17 in


42-by-59.4 cm


29.7-by-42 cm


21-by-29.7 cm


14.8-by-21 cm

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.PaperSize setting when exporting to Microsoft Word documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the paper size of documents when exporting to Microsoft Word documents only.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.docx.PaperSize.TemporaryValue = 'Legal'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.PaperSize setting for Microsoft Word documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Page orientation of documents when exporting to Microsoft Word from the Live Editor, specified as 'Portrait' or 'Landscape'.

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Orientation setting when exporting to Microsoft Word documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the page orientation of documents when exporting to Microsoft Word documents only.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.docx.Orientation.TemporaryValue = 'Landscape'

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Orientation setting for Microsoft Word documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:


Document margins when exporting to Microsoft Word documents from the Live Editor, specified as a 1-by-4 vector of margin values with the format [left top right bottom]. Each margin value is specified in points as a positive integer between 0 and 255. A value of 72 points is equivalent to 1 inch or 2.54 cm.

By default, the value of this setting is unset and the Live Editor uses the active value for the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Margins setting when exporting to Microsoft Word documents. Specify a value for this setting to change the margins of documents when exporting to Microsoft Word documents only.

Example: s.matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.docx.Margins.TemporaryValue = [25 72 72 25]

To return to using the active value of the matlab.editor.export.pagesetup.Margins setting for Microsoft Word documents, clear the temporary and personal values for this setting using the clearTemporaryValue and clearPersonalValue functions. For example:



Enable wrap-around search, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to continue searching from the start of the document when the end of the document is reached, until the whole document has been searched. Set to 0 to search only until the end of the document is reached.

Example: s.matlab.editor.find.WrapAround.TemporaryValue = 0

Move cursor while typing, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to move the cursor to the first result while typing the search phrase. Set to 0 to move the cursor only after the entire search phrase has been entered.

Example: s.matlab.editor.find.MoveCursorOnType.TemporaryValue = 0

Highlight search results, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to highlight all search results in the document. Set to 0 to highlight only the current search result.

Example: s.matlab.editor.find.HighlightAllResults.TemporaryValue =1

Use selection for initial search text, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to use the current selection as the initial search text.

Example: s.matlab.editor.find.SeedSearchFromSelection.TemporaryValue = 0

Use nearest word for initial search text, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to use the word closest to the cursor position as the initial search text.

Example: s.matlab.editor.find.SeedSearchFromCursor.TemporaryValue = 0

Persist history across sessions, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to save the search and replace history and the Find and Replace dialog box state across sessions. Set to 0 to disable saving any search and replace data, including the Find and Replace dialog box state.

Example: s.matlab.editor.find.PersistHistoryAcrossSessions.TemporaryValue = 0

Add space above the document, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to position the Find and Replace dialog box in added space above the document when the dialog box is open. When the Find and Replace dialog box is closed, the space is removed. This added space prevents the dialog box from covering part of the document when the dialog box is open.

Example: s.matlab.editor.find.AddSpaceOnTop.TemporaryValue = 1


Save files periodically in MATLAB Online, specified as 1 or 0.

Set to 1 to automatically save the files you are currently editing.

Example: s.matlab.editor.saving.SaveFilesPeriodicallyOnline.TemporaryValue = 0

How often to save the files that you are editing in MATLAB Online, specified in minutes as a positive integer.

Example: s.matlab.editor.saving.PeriodicSaveInterval.TemporaryValue = 6

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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