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Convert edge matrix to coordinate and Laplacian matrices


[L,XY] = unmesh(E)


[L,XY] = unmesh(E) returns the Laplacian matrix L and mesh vertex coordinate matrix XY for the M-by-4 edge matrix E. Each row of the edge matrix must contain the coordinates [x1 y1 x2 y2] of the edge endpoints.

Input Arguments

EM-by-4 edge matrix E.

Output Arguments

LLaplacian matrix representation of the graph.
XYMesh vertex coordinate matrix.


Take a simple example of a square with vertices at (1,1), (1,–1),(–1,–1), and (–1,1), where the connections between vertices are the four perpendicular edges of the square plus one diagonal connection between (–1, –1) and (1,1).

Undirected graph with four nodes

The edge matrix E for this graph is:

E = [1  1  1 -1;  % edge from 1 to 2
     1 -1 -1 -1;  % edge from 2 to 3 
    -1 -1 -1  1;  % edge from 3 to 4
    -1 -1  1  1;  % edge from 3 to 1
    -1  1  1  1]  % edge from 4 to 1
Use unmesh to create a Laplacian matrix and mesh coordinate matrix from the edge list.
[L,XY] = unmesh(E);
The Laplacian matrix is defined as

Lij={deg(vi)     if i=j1             if ij and vi is adjacent to vj0               otherwise

unmesh returns the Laplacian matrix L as a sparse matrix.

L =

   (1,1)        3
   (2,1)       -1
   (3,1)       -1
   (4,1)       -1
   (1,2)       -1
   (2,2)        2
   (4,2)       -1
   (1,3)       -1
   (3,3)        2
   (4,3)       -1
   (1,4)       -1
   (2,4)       -1
   (3,4)       -1
   (4,4)        3
To see L in regular matrix notation, use the full command.
ans =

     3    -1    -1    -1
    -1     2     0    -1
    -1     0     2    -1
    -1    -1    -1     3
The mesh coordinate matrix XY returns the coordinates of the corners of the square.
XY =

    -1    -1
    -1     1
     1    -1
     1     1

See Also


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