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Create RF Objects

Construct a New Object

You can create any rfdata, rfckt or rfmodel object by calling the object constructor. You can create an rfmodel object by fitting a rational function to passive component data.

This section contains the following topics:

Call the Object Constructor

To create a new RF object with default property values, you call the object constructor without any arguments:

h = objecttype.objectname


  • h is the handle to the new object.

  • objecttype is the object type (rfdata, rfckt, or rfmodel).

  • objectname is the object name.

For example, to create an RLCG transmission line object, type:

h = rfckt.rlcgline

because the RLCG transmission line object is a circuit (rfckt) object named rlcgline.

The following code illustrates how to call the object constructor to create a microstrip transmission line object with default property values. The output t1 is the handle of the newly created transmission line object.

t1 = rfckt.microstrip

RF Toolbox™ software lists the properties of the transmission line you created along with the associated default property values.

t1 = 
           Name: 'Microstrip Transmission Line'
          nPort: 2
 AnalyzedResult: []
     LineLength: 0.0100
       StubMode: 'NotAStub'
    Termination: 'NotApplicable'
          Width: 6.0000e-004
         Height: 6.3500e-004
      Thickness: 5.0000e-006
       EpsilonR: 9.8000
      SigmaCond: Inf
    LossTangent: 0

The reference page describes these properties in detail, rfckt.microstrip.

Fit a Rational Function to Passive Component Data

You can create a model object by fitting a rational function to passive component data. You use this approach to create a model object that represents one of the following using a rational function:

  • A circuit object that you created and analyzed.

  • Data that you imported from a file.

For more information, see Fit Model Object to Circuit Object Data.

Copy an Existing Object

You can create a new object with the same property values as an existing object by using the copy function to copy the existing object. This function is useful if you have an object that is similar to one you want to create.

For example,

t2 = copy(t1);

creates a new object, t2, which has the same property values as the microstrip transmission line object, t1.

You can later change specific property values for this copy. For information on modifying object properties, see Specify or Import Component Data.


The syntax t2 = t1 copies only the object handle and does not create a new object.

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