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Spiral Inductor - Visualize and Analyze

This example shows you how to create, visualize, and analyze a spiral inductor.

Create a spiral inductor with default properties.

inductor = spiralInductor
inductor = 
  spiralInductor with properties:

          SpiralShape: 'Square'
        InnerDiameter: 5.0000e-04
                Width: 2.5000e-04
              Spacing: 2.5000e-04
             NumTurns: 4
               Height: 0.0010
    GroundPlaneLength: 0.0056
     GroundPlaneWidth: 0.0056
            Substrate: [1×1 dielectric]
            Conductor: [1×1 metal]

View the inductor.


Plot the charge distribution at 500 MHz.

charge(inductor, 500e6)

Plot the current distribution at 500 MHz.

current(inductor, 500e6)

Calculate and plot the inductance.


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