Simultaneous Stabilization Using Robust Control
This example uses the Robust Control Toolbox™ commands ucover
and musyn to design a high-performance controller for a family of unstable plants.
Plant Uncertainty
The nominal plant model consists of a first-order unstable system.
Pnom = tf(2,[1 -2]);
The family of perturbed plants are variations of Pnom
. All plants have a single unstable pole but the location of this pole varies across the family.
p1 = Pnom*tf(1,[.06 1]); % extra lag p2 = Pnom*tf([-.02 1],[.02 1]); % time delay p3 = Pnom*tf(50^2,[1 2*.1*50 50^2]); % high frequency resonance p4 = Pnom*tf(70^2,[1 2*.2*70 70^2]); % high frequency resonance p5 = tf(2.4,[1 -2.2]); % pole/gain migration p6 = tf(1.6,[1 -1.8]); % pole/gain migration
Covering the Uncertain Model
For feedback design purposes, we need to replace this set of models with a single uncertain plant model whose range of behaviors includes p1
through p6
. This is one use of the command ucover
. This command takes an array of LTI models Parray
and a nominal model Pnom
and models the difference Parray-Pnom
as multiplicative uncertainty in the system dynamics.
Because ucover
expects an array of models, use the stack
command to gather the plant models p1
through p6
into one array.
Parray = stack(1,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6);
Next, use ucover
to "cover" the range of behaviors Parray
with an uncertain model of the form
P = Pnom * (1 + Wt * Delta)
where all uncertainty is concentrated in the "unmodeled dynamics" Delta
(a ultidyn
object). Because the gain of Delta
is uniformly bounded by 1 at all frequencies, a "shaping" filter Wt
is used to capture how the relative amount of uncertainty varies with frequency. This filter is also referred to as the uncertainty weighting function. Try a 4th-order filter Wt
for this example:
orderWt = 4;
Parrayg = frd(Parray,logspace(-1,3,60));
[P,Info] = ucover(Parrayg,Pnom,orderWt,'InputMult');
The resulting model P
is a single-input, single-output uncertain state-space (USS) object with nominal value Pnom
Uncertain continuous-time state-space model with 1 outputs, 1 inputs, 5 states. The model uncertainty consists of the following blocks: Parrayg_InputMultDelta: Uncertain 1x1 LTI, peak gain = 1, 1 occurrences Type "P.NominalValue" to see the nominal value and "P.Uncertainty" to interact with the uncertain elements.
ans = 2 ----- s - 2 Continuous-time transfer function.
A Bode magnitude plot confirms that the shaping filter Wt
"covers" the relative variation in plant behavior. As a function of frequency, the uncertainty level is 30% at 5 rad/sec (-10dB = 0.3) , 50% at 10 rad/sec, and 100% beyond 29 rad/sec.
Wt = Info.W1; bodemag((Pnom-Parray)/Pnom,'b--',Wt,'r') grid on title('Relative Gaps vs. Magnitude of Wt')
Creating the Open-loop Design Model
To design a robust controller for the uncertain plant model P
, we choose a desired closed-loop bandwidth and minimize the sensitivity to disturbances at the plant output. The control structure is shown below. The signals d
and n
are the load disturbance and measurement noise. The controller uses a noisy measurement of the plant output y
to generate the control signal u
Figure 1: Control Structure.
The filters Wperf
and Wnoise
are selected to enforce the desired bandwidth and some adequate roll-off. The closed-loop transfer function from [d;n]
to y
y = [Wperf * S , Wnoise * T] [d;n]
where S=1/(1+PC)
and T=PC/(1+PC)
are the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions. If we design a controller that keeps the closed-loop gain from [d;n]
to y
below 1, then
|S| < 1/|Wperf| , |T| < 1/|Wnoise|
By choosing appropriate magnitude profiles for Wperf
and Wnoise
, we can enforce small sensitivity (S
) inside the bandwidth and adequate roll-off (T
) outside the bandwidth.
For example, choose Wperf
as a first-order low-pass filter with a DC gain of 500 and a gain crossover at the desired bandwidth desBW
desBW = 4.5; Wperf = makeweight(500,desBW,0.33); tf(Wperf)
ans = 0.33 s + 4.248 -------------- s + 0.008496 Continuous-time transfer function.
Similarly, pick Wnoise
as a second-order high-pass filter with a magnitude of 1 at 10*desBW
. This will force the open-loop gain PC
to roll-off with a slope of -2 for frequencies beyond 10*desBW
NF = (10*desBW)/20; % numerator corner frequency DF = (10*desBW)*50; % denominator corner frequency Wnoise = tf([1/NF^2 2*0.707/NF 1],[1/DF^2 2*0.707/DF 1]); Wnoise = Wnoise/abs(freqresp(Wnoise,10*desBW))
Wnoise = 0.1975 s^2 + 0.6284 s + 1 ------------------------------ 7.901e-05 s^2 + 0.2514 s + 400 Continuous-time transfer function.
Verify that the bounds 1/Wperf
and 1/Wnoise
on S
and T
do enforce the desired bandwidth and roll-off.
bodemag(1/Wperf,'b',1/Wnoise,'r',{1e-2,1e3}) grid on title('Performance and roll-off specifications') legend('Bound on |S|','Bound on |T|','Location','NorthEast');
Next use connect
to build the open-loop interconnection (block diagram in Figure 1 without the controller block). Specify each block appearing in Figure 1, name the signals coming in and out of each block, and let connect
do the wiring:
P.u = 'u'; P.y = 'yp'; Wperf.u = 'd'; Wperf.y = 'Wperf'; Wnoise.u = 'n'; Wnoise.y = 'Wnoise'; S1 = sumblk('e = -ym'); S2 = sumblk('y = yp + Wperf'); S3 = sumblk('ym = y + Wnoise'); G = connect(P,Wperf,Wnoise,S1,S2,S3,{'d','n','u'},{'y','e'});
is a 3-input, 2-output uncertain system suitable for robust controller synthesis with musyn.
Robust Controller Synthesis
The design is carried out with the automated robust design command musyn. The target bandwidth is 4.5 rad/s.
ny = 1; nu = 1; [C,muPerf] = musyn(G,ny,nu);
D-K ITERATION SUMMARY: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Robust performance Fit order ----------------------------------------------------------------- Iter K Step Peak MU D Fit D 1 353.6 249.5 251.9 0 2 70.74 9.964 10.05 4 3 1.98 1.604 1.621 8 4 1.164 1.164 1.188 10 5 1.089 1.089 1.098 10 6 1.05 1.05 1.055 10 7 1.027 1.027 1.032 8 8 1.016 1.016 1.023 8 9 1.013 1.013 1.02 8 10 1.011 1.011 1.012 8 Best achieved robust performance: 1.01
When the robust performance indicator muPerf
is near 1, the controller achieves the target closed-loop bandwidth and roll-off. As a rule of thumb, if muPerf
is less than 0.85, then the performance can be improved upon, and if muPerf
is greater than 1.2, then the desired closed-loop bandwidth is not achievable for the specified plant uncertainty.
Here muPerf
is approximately 1 so the objectives are met. The resulting controller C
has 18 states:
State-space model with 1 outputs, 1 inputs, and 16 states.
You can use the reduce
and musynperf
commands to simplify this controller. Compute approximations of orders 1 through 17.
NxC = order(C); Cappx = reduce(C,1:NxC);
For each reduced-order controller, use musynperf
to compute the robust performance indicator and compare it with muPerf
. Keep the lowest-order controller with performance no worse than 1.05 * muPerf
, a performance degradation of 5% or less.
for k=1:NxC Cr = Cappx(:,:,k); % controller of order k bnd = musynperf(lft(G,Cr)); if bnd.UpperBound < 1.05 * muPerf break % abort with the first controller meeting the performance goal end end order(Cr)
ans = 6
This yields a 6th-order controller Cr
with comparable performance. Compare Cr
with the full-order controller C
bp = bodeplot(C,'b',Cr,'r--')
bp = BodePlot with properties: Responses: [2x1 controllib.chart.response.BodeResponse] Characteristics: [1x1 controllib.chart.options.CharacteristicsManager] FrequencyUnit: "rad/s" FrequencyScale: "log" MagnitudeUnit: "dB" MagnitudeScale: "linear" PhaseUnit: "deg" MagnitudeVisible: on PhaseVisible: on PhaseWrappingEnabled: off PhaseWrappingBranch: -180 PhaseMatchingEnabled: off PhaseMatchingFrequency: 0 PhaseMatchingValue: 0 MinimumGainEnabled: off MinimumGainValue: 0 Visible: on IOGrouping: "none" InputVisible: on OutputVisible: on Use GET to show all properties
bp.PhaseMatchingEnabled = 'on'; legend('Full-order C','Reduced-order Cr','Location','NorthEast'); grid on
Robust Controller Validation
Plot the open-loop responses of the plant models p1
through p6
with the simplified controller Cr
bp2 = bodeplot(Parray*Cr,'g',{1e-2,1e3})
bp2 = BodePlot with properties: Responses: [1x1 controllib.chart.response.BodeResponse] Characteristics: [1x1 controllib.chart.options.CharacteristicsManager] FrequencyUnit: "rad/s" FrequencyScale: "log" MagnitudeUnit: "dB" MagnitudeScale: "linear" PhaseUnit: "deg" MagnitudeVisible: on PhaseVisible: on PhaseWrappingEnabled: off PhaseWrappingBranch: -180 PhaseMatchingEnabled: off PhaseMatchingFrequency: 0 PhaseMatchingValue: 0 MinimumGainEnabled: off MinimumGainValue: 0 Visible: on IOGrouping: "none" InputVisible: on OutputVisible: on Use GET to show all properties
bp2.PhaseMatchingEnabled = 'on'; grid on
Plot the responses to a step disturbance at the plant output. These are consistent with the desired closed-loop bandwidth and robust to the plant variations, as expected from a Robust Performance mu-value of approximately 1.
Varying the Target Closed-Loop Bandwidth
The same design process can be repeated for different closed-loop bandwidth values desBW
. Doing so yields the following results:
= 8 yields a good design with robust performancemuPerf
of 1.09. The step responses across theParray
family are consistent with a closed-loop bandwidth of 8 rad/s.Using
= 20 yields a poor design with robust performancemuPerf
of 1.35. This is expected because this target bandwidth is in the vicinity of very large plant uncertainty. Some of the step responses for the plantsp1,...,p6
are actually unstable.Using
= 0.3 yields a poor design with robust performancemuPerf
of 2.2. This is expected becauseWnoise
imposes roll-off past 3 rad/s, which is too close to the natural frequency of the unstable pole (2 rad/s). In other words, proper control of the unstable dynamics requires a higher bandwidth than specified.
See Also
| makeweight
| ucover