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Number Section Headings, Table Titles, and Figure Captions Programmatically

This example shows how to programmatically create numbered headings for chapters and hierarchical numbered headings for subsections in a chapter. The example also demonstrates how to create hierarchical numbered table titles and figure captions that reside in a numbered chapter or a subsection in a chapter.

Import the DOM API namespace so you do not have to use long, fully-qualified class names.

import mlreportgen.dom.*

Create and open a document. To create a Word document, change the output type from pdf to docx. To create a HTML document, change pdf to html or html-file for a multifile or single-file document, respectively.

d = Document("mydoc","pdf");

Append a table of contents to the document.


Create numbering streams for chapter headings, subsection headings, figure captions, and table titles. By default, the streams are created using Arabic numbers with an initial value of 0.

chapterStream = createAutoNumberStream(d,"chapter");
sectionStream = createAutoNumberStream(d,"section");
figureStream = createAutoNumberStream(d,"figure");
tableStream = createAutoNumberStream(d,"table");

Define some image, table, and table entries styles, which will be used in the later sections.

imageStyle = ...
    { ...
    Height("5in"), ...
    Width("5in") ...

tableStyle = ...
    { ...
    Width("100%"), ...
    Border("solid"), ...
    RowSep("solid"), ...
    ColSep("solid") ...

tableEntriesStyle = ...
    { ...
    HAlign("center"), ...
    VAlign("middle") ...

The following code creates the first chapter in the document. The chapter title is created using the getChapterTitle function. This function uses the chapter numbering stream to create a numbered chapter title. The chapter consists of two subsections, whose titles are created using the getSectionTitle function. This function uses both chapter and section numbering streams to create the hierarchical numbered section title. The subsections consists of multiple figures with hierarchical numbered captions, which are created using the getFigureCaption function. This function uses both chapter and figure numbering streams to create the hierarchical numbered figure caption. The getChapterTitle, getSectionTitle, and getFigureCaption functions used to create this chapter are described later in this example.

% Chapter 1.
chapterTitle = getChapterTitle("Figures with numbered captions");

% Section 1.1.
sectionTitle = getSectionTitle("Figure for Land Ocean");

% Figure 1.1.
image1 =  Image(which("landOcean.jpg"));
image1.Style = imageStyle;
append(d,getFigureCaption("Land Ocean"));

% Section 1.2.
sectionTitle = getSectionTitle("Figures for Peppers and Cat's Eye Nebula");

% Figure 1.2.
image2 = Image(which("peppers.png"));
image2.Style = imageStyle;

% Figure 1.3.
image3 = Image(which("ngc6543a.jpg"));
image3.Style = imageStyle;
append(d,getFigureCaption("Cat's Eye Nebula or NGC 6543"));

The following code creates the second chapter in the document. The chapter has a numbered title with two hierarchical numbered subsections. Here, the subsections consists of multiple tables with hierarchical numbered titles, which are created using the getTableTitle function, defined later in this example. This function uses both chapter and table numbering streams to create the hierarchical numbered table title.

% Chapter 2.
chapterTitle = getChapterTitle("Tables with numbered titles");

% Section 2.1.
sectionTitle = getSectionTitle("Table for Magic(5)");

% Table 2.1.
table1 = Table(magic(5));
table1.Style = tableStyle;
table1.TableEntriesStyle = tableEntriesStyle;

% Section 2.2.
sectionTitle = getSectionTitle("Tables for Magic(8) and Magic(10)");

% Table 2.2.
table2 = Table(magic(8));
table2.Style = tableStyle;
table2.TableEntriesStyle = tableEntriesStyle;

% Table 2.3.
table3 = Table(magic(10));
table3.Style = tableStyle;
table3.TableEntriesStyle = tableEntriesStyle;

Close and view the document.


The following function returns a numbered title for a chapter. The numbered title is created using the DOM Heading1 object, where the title content is prefixed by a string Chapter N and a period, where N is the chapter stream counter. For example, the title for the first chapter contains "Chapter 1." as its prefix. The CounterInc format in the Style property causes the chapter stream counter to be incremented when this chapter title is appended to the document. The CounterReset format in the Style property causes the other associated stream counters such as, section, figure, and table, to be reset to their initial values when this chapter title is appended to the document.

function chapterTitle = getChapterTitle(content)
    import mlreportgen.dom.*
    chapterTitle = Heading1();
    append(chapterTitle,Text("Chapter "));
    append(chapterTitle,Text(". "));
    chapterTitle.Style = ...
        { ...
        CounterInc("chapter"), ...
        CounterReset("section figure table"), ...
        WhiteSpace("preserve"), ...
        PageBreakBefore(true), ...
        KeepWithNext(true) ...

The following function returns a hierarchical numbered title for a section that is in a chapter. The hierarchical numbered title is created using the DOM Heading2 object, where the title content is prefixed by a string "N.M.", where N and M are the chapter and section stream counters, respectively. For example, the title for the first section in the second chapter contains "2.1" as its prefix. The CounterInc format in the Style property causes the section stream counter to be incremented when this section title is appended to the document.

function sectionTitle = getSectionTitle(content)
    import mlreportgen.dom.*
    sectionTitle = Heading2();
    append(sectionTitle,Text(". "));
    sectionTitle.Style = ...
        { ...
        CounterInc("section"), ...
        WhiteSpace("preserve"), ...
        KeepWithNext(true) ...

The following function returns a hierarchical numbered caption for a figure added to a chapter or a subsection in a chapter. The hierarchical numbered caption is created using the DOM Paragraph object, where the caption content is prefixed by a string "Figure N.F.", where N and F are the chapter and figure stream counters, respectively. For example, the caption for the third figure in the second chapter contains "Figure 2.3." as its prefix. The CounterInc format in the Style property causes the figure stream counter to be incremented when this figure caption is appended to the document.

function figureCaption = getFigureCaption(content)
    import mlreportgen.dom.*
    figureCaption = Paragraph();
    append(figureCaption,Text("Figure "));
    append(figureCaption,Text(". "));
    keepWithPrevious = FOProperty("keep-with-previous.within-page","always");
    figureCaption.Style = ...
        { ...
        CounterInc("figure"), ...
        WhiteSpace("preserve"), ...
        FOProperties(keepWithPrevious) ...

The following function returns a hierarchical numbered title for a table added to a chapter or a subsection in a chapter. The hierarchical numbered title is created using the DOM Paragraph object, where the title content is prefixed by a string "Table N.T.", where N and T are the chapter and table stream counters, respectively. For example, the title for the third table in the second chapter contains "Table 2.3." as its prefix. The CounterInc format in the Style property causes the table stream counter to be incremented when this table title is appended to the document.

function tableTitle = getTableTitle(content)
    import mlreportgen.dom.*
    tableTitle = Paragraph();
    append(tableTitle,Text("Table "));
    append(tableTitle,Text(". "));
    tableTitle.Style = ...
        { ...
        CounterInc("table"), ...
        WhiteSpace("preserve"), ...
        KeepWithNext(true), ...
        Bold(true), ...
        OuterMargin("0pt", "0pt", "10pt", "5pt") ...
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