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Machine Loop

Run child components for specified Stateflow machines


This component runs its child components for selected Stateflow® machines. The behavior of this component depends on its parent component. If it has no parent, the Machine Loop runs its child components for all machines. If it has the Model Loop is its parent, it runs its child components for all machines in the model.

Loop Options

Search Stateflow

If selected, searches states that you specify in the field that appears under the check box.

Section Options

  • Create section for each object in loop: Inserts a section in the generated report for each object found in the loop.

  • Display the object type in the section title: Automatically inserts the object type into the section title in the generated report. This is only available when Create section for each object in loop is selected.

  • Create link anchor for each object in loop: Create a link target on each object in the loop so that other parts of the report can link to it.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes, inserts a section if you select the Create section for each object in loop option.



See Also

Model Loop