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Point transmitter or receiver at target

Since R2023a


pointAt specify the target at which the phased array antenna on a transmitter or a receiver must point. The antenna is electronically steered towards the desired target by computing the appropriate weights and assigning them to the array elements. The antenna is continuously steered electronically for the duration of the simulation to point at the desired target.


For regular antennas and default transmitter receivers, use pointAt.

pointAt(asset,"none") disables pointing for the transmitters or receivers specified by asset. All elements in asset must contain a phased array antenna. The phased array weights are set to the original values as they were at the time of creation of the transmitter or receiver. "none" is the default pointing mode.

pointAt(asset,coordinates) steers the phased array antennas in transmitters or receivers towards the geographical coordinates.

pointAt(asset,target) steers phased array antennas in transmitters or receivers towards the specified target.

pointAt(asset,"nadir") steers the phased array antennas in transmitters or receivers towards the nadir direction of their respective parent satellite, ground stations, or gimbals. The nadir direction is specified by latitude and longitude of the parent, and 0 m altitude.

pointAt(asset,weights) explicitly assigns the weights for the phased array antenna elements of the transmitters or receivers.

Input Arguments

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Transmitter or receiver objects, specified as either a scalar or a vector.

Geographical coordinates of the transmitter or receiver, specified as a three-element vector or a 2-D array.

  • When the coordinates are a three-element vector, the elements of the vector correspond to the latitude, longitude, and altitude, in that order, and all satellites or gimbals are steered to point at this location.

  • When the coordinates are a 2-D array, the number of rows must equal 3 and the number of columns must equal the number of transmitter or receivers in asset. The rows correspond to the latitude, longitude, and altitude, in that order, and each column represents the pointing coordinates of the corresponding transmitter or receiver in the vector asset. The latitudes and longitudes are specified in degrees and the altitudes are specified in meters, which represent the height above the surface of the Earth.

Target at which input asset is pointed, specified as a scalar or a vector. The input target can be another satellite or a ground station.

  • When target is a scalar, all assets point to the specified target.

  • When target is a vector, the length of target must equal the number of transmitter or receivers in asset. Each element in target represents the pointing target of an asset.

Weights for phased array antenna elements, specified as a scalar or a vector of complex numbers whose length is equal to the number of phased array elements.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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