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Measure eye crossing points

Since R2024a


times = eyeCrossing(obj) measures the eye crossing times of the eye diagram object obj.

Eye crossings are the points before and after each eye opening where the symbol transitions intersect each other. This measurement is meant for PAM2. If used in higher modulation schemes, the measurement may be less accurate.

times = eyeCrossing(___,Name=Value) measures the eye crossing times of the eye diagram object obj using one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to the input argument in the previous syntax. Unspecified arguments take default values.

[times,amplitudes] = eyeCrossing(___) measures the eye crossing times and the amplitudes of the eye diagram object obj.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Eye diagram object, specified as an eyeDiagramSI System object™.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: times = eyeCrossing(obj,TimeUnit=Samples) measures the eye crossing points of the eye diagram from the obj eye pattern object where the crossing point times are specified as symbols.

Unit for the time coordinates for the eye crossing.

Data Types: char

Unit for amplitude at the location of the eye crossing.

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

collapse all

Crossing times for each eye opening measured from the center of the diagram, returned as a matrix with one row per eye opening and two columns. The first column contains the time of the pre-opening crossing. The second column contains the time of the post-opening transition. Eye openings are indexed from the lowest amplitude to the highest.

Crossing amplitudes for each eye opening, returned as a matrix. The first column contains the time of the pre-opening crossing. The second column contains the time of the post-opening transition.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

See Also

(Mixed-Signal Blockset) | (Mixed-Signal Blockset)

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