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Requirements for Using Alternative Platforms

Simulink® Real-Time™ creates standalone, real-time applications for performing hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation on dedicated hardware. Creating and executing a standalone, real-time application using an alternative platform requires specific hardware and software.

Hardware Requirements

The minimum hardware requirements for HIL simulation with a custom application are:

  • Development computer with a network, serial, or USB interface for communicating with the real-time processor

  • A real-time capable target CPU or computer that supports 64-bit precision floating-point arithmetic and 32-bit integer size

  • I/O board supported by the real-time target machine

  • Controller preconfigured with code from your controller model

  • Peripheral for transferring code to the real-time target machine

  • Wiring harness to connect the real-time target machine to the controller


Your real-time target machine may also require a real-time operating system (RTOS).

Software Requirements

The minimum software requirements for HIL simulation with a custom application are:

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