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Software and Hardware Configuration

Before simulating your Simscape™ model on your target hardware using Simulink® Real-Time™, configure your development and target computers for code generation and real-time simulation:

  1. Install Simulink Real-Time software on your development computer. The development computer downloads the kernel software and real-time application to your target machine at run time. Code generation and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation with Simulink Real-Time require specific hardware and software, including a C compiler. For information, see Simulink Real-Time Code Generation. For Simulink Real-Time installation and configuration information, see Simulink Real-Time Software Requirements and Install Development Computer Software (Simulink Real-Time).

  2. Configure your real-time target computer for HIL with Simulink Real-Time. For Simulink Real-Time to work properly on the target computer, you configure the target settings to match the settings of the development computer and boot the target machine. For information, see Target Computer Settings (Simulink Real-Time).

  3. Configure your target computer with the required I/O modules. You can link to I/O boards via connection cables or install them in PCI slots of the target computer. The I/O boards provide a direct interface to the sensors, actuators, and other devices for real-time control or signal processing system models.

    For information on supported I/O boards, see Supported Hardware: Hardware Drivers.

  4. Configure your development computer for Ethernet communication with your target computer. For information, see Enable Development Computer Communication (Windows) (Simulink Real-Time).

  5. Physically connect your target computer to your development computer. For information, see Set Up Target Computer Ethernet Connection (Simulink Real-Time).

  6. Configure the Simulink Real-Time target settings. For a configuration procedure that uses Simulink Real-Time, see Target Computer Settings (Simulink Real-Time).

See Also

(Simulink Real-Time)

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