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Class: Simulink.VariantConfigurationData
Namespace: Simulink

Add new variant configuration to variant configuration data object



This method requires Variant Manager for Simulink®.

vcdataObj.addConfiguration(name) adds a new variant configuration with the given name to the variant configuration data object vcdataObj, which is an object of the Simulink.VariantConfigurationData class.


vcdataObj.addConfiguration(name,description) adds a new variant configuration with a given name and optional description to the variant configuration data object.

vcdataObj.addConfiguration(name,description,controlVars) adds a new variant configuration with a given name, optional description, and control variables to the variant configuration data object.

Input Arguments

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Name of the new variant configuration that you want to add to the variant configuration data object, specified as a character vector or string.

Example: 'LinInterExpNoNoise'

Data Types: char | string

Description of the variant configuration, specified as a character vector or string.

Example: 'Linear configuration with internal plant'

Data Types: char | string

Variant control variable names and their values, specified as a structure or array of structures with fields:

  • Name — Name of the control variable, specified as a character vector

  • Value — Value of the control variable, specified as any of these data types:

    • Normal MATLAB® variable

    • Simulink.Parameter

    • AUTOSAR.Parameter

    • Simulink.VariantControl with value as normal MATLAB variable

    • Simulink.VariantControl with value as Simulink.Parameter

    • Simulink.VariantControl with value as a user-defined type that inherits from Simulink.Parameter

  • Source — Data source of the control variable, specified as a character vector or string.

Example: ctrlVarStruct=struct(Name='Noise',Value='NoiseType.NoNoise',Source='plant.sldd');

For an example that shows the use of different types of variant control variables, see Use Variant Control Variables in Variant Blocks.

Data Types: struct


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This example shows how to add a new variant configuration to a variant configuration data object.

Create an empty Simulink.VariantConfigurationData object.

vardataObj = Simulink.VariantConfigurationData
vardataObj = 
  VariantConfigurationData with properties:

            Configurations: [1x0 struct]
               Constraints: [1x0 struct]
    PreferredConfiguration: ''

Create a struct with the control variable names and values for the new configuration.

% Define a variant control variable
PlantLoc = Simulink.VariantControl('Value', 1, 'ActivationTime', 'code compile');
% Create a variant control variable structure
ctrlVarStruct = struct(Name='PlantLoc', Value=PlantLoc, Source='topdata.sldd')
ctrlVarStruct = struct with fields:
      Name: 'PlantLoc'
     Value: [1x1 Simulink.VariantControl]
    Source: 'topdata.sldd'

Add the new configuration to vardataObj.

vardataObj.addConfiguration('LinInterExpNoNoise', 'Linear Internal Experimental Plant Controller', ctrlVarStruct)

Version History

Introduced in R2013b