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Host-board connection

Use the Host-board connection parameters to set the serial communication port and baud rate between your Arduino® board and your host computer.

Application download

Use the parameters in this section to set the serial communication port and baud rate between your Arduino board and host computer to deploy a Simulink® model on your Arduino hardware.

Set host COM port

Automatically detect, manually select, or manually specify the COM port of your host computer to communicate with the Arduino board.



  • Automatically — Simulink automatically detects the Arduino board connected to your host computer and establishes a serial communication using the available COM port.

  • Manually select — Select a COM port in the Host COM Port drop-down list that Simulink detects to establish a serial communication between the Arduino board and your host computer.

    Click Refresh to populate the available COM ports in the Host COM Port drop-down list.

  • Manually specify — Enter the COM port in the Host COM Port parameter to establish a serial communication between the Arduino board and your host computer.

Bootloader COM Port

Enter the new COM port of the bootloader. For more information on how to configure the bootloader COM port settings, see Configure Host and Bootloader COM Port Manually.

Click Refresh to populate the available bootloader COM ports in the Bootloader COM port drop-down list.

Dependencies.  To enable this parameter, set Hardware board to Arduino Leonardo and Set host COM port to Manually Select or Manually Specify.

Supported Arduino Boards.  These Arduino boards do not support this parameter.

  • Arduino Due

  • Arduino Mega 2560

  • Arduino Mega ADK

  • Arduino Nano 3.0

  • Arduino Uno


Select the maximum speed of downloading a Simulink model executable on your Arduino board in bits per second.

Set Baudrate to Specify to enter a baud rate supported by your Arduino board.


Default: 115200

76800, 57600, 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400, 9600, 4800, 2400, 300, Specify

Application Download Baudrate

Select the maximum speed of downloading a Simulink model executable on your Arduino board in bits per second.

Set Application Download Baudrate to Specify to enter a baud rate supported by your Arduino board.


Default: 115200(Default-New Bootloader)

57600 (Old Bootloader), 76800, , 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400, 9600, 4800, 2400, 300, Specify

Dependencies.  To enable this parameter, set Hardware board to Arduino Nano 3.0 and Set host COM port to Manually Select or Manually Specify.

Connected I/O communication

Use the parameters in this section to set the serial communication port and baud rate between your Arduino board and host computer to communicate with the IO peripherals on your Arduino board during a hardware simulation.

Hardware Serial Port

Select the serial port of your Arduino board.

Set host COM port

Automatically detect, manually select, or manually specify the COM port of your host computer to communicate with the Arduino board.



  • Automatically — Simulink automatically detects the Arduino board connected to your host computer and establishes a serial communication using the available COM port.

  • Manually select — Select a COM port in the Host COM Port drop-down list that Simulink detects to establish a serial communication between the Arduino board and your host computer.

    Click Refresh to populate the available COM ports in the Host COM Port drop-down list.

  • Manually specify — Enter the COM port in the Host COM Port parameter to establish a serial communication between the Arduino board and your host computer.


Select the maximum speed of downloading a Simulink model executable on your Arduino board in bits per second.

Set Baudrate to Specify to enter a baud rate supported by your Arduino board.


For Arduino AVR boards mounted with CH340 or any other serial to USB converter, use the baud rate of 115200 or less in the connected IO mode.


Default: 921600

115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400, 9600, 4800, 2400, 300, Specify

External Mode over Serial communication

Use the parameters in this section to set the serial communication port and baud rate between your Arduino board and host computer to monitor and tune a Simulink model on your Arduino hardware.

Hardware Serial Port

Select the serial port of your Arduino board.

Set host COM port

Automatically detect, manually select, or manually specify the COM port of your host computer to communicate with the Arduino board.



  • Automatically — Simulink automatically detects the Arduino board connected to your host computer and establishes a serial communication using the available COM port.

  • Manually select — Select a COM port in the Host COM Port drop-down list that Simulink detects to establish a serial communication between the Arduino board and your host computer.

    Click Refresh to populate the available COM ports in the Host COM Port drop-down list.

  • Manually specify — Enter the COM port in the Host COM Port parameter to establish a serial communication between the Arduino board and your host computer.


Select the maximum speed of downloading a Simulink model executable on your Arduino board in bits per second.

Set Baudrate to Specify to enter a baud rate supported by your Arduino board.


For Arduino AVR boards mounted with CH340 or any other serial to USB converter, use the baud rate of 115200 or less in the connected IO mode.


Default: 921600

115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400, 9600, 4800, 2400, 300, Specify

PIL communication

Use the parameters in this section to set the serial communication port and baud rate between your Arduino board and host computer during a processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation.

Hardware Serial Port

Select the serial port of your Arduino board.

Set host COM port

Automatically detect, manually select, or manually specify the COM port of your host computer to communicate with the Arduino board.



  • Automatically — Simulink automatically detects the Arduino board connected to your host computer and establishes a serial communication using the available COM port.

  • Manually select — Select a COM port in the Host COM Port drop-down list that Simulink detects to establish a serial communication between the Arduino board and your host computer.

    Click Refresh to populate the available COM ports in the Host COM Port drop-down list.

  • Manually specify — Enter the COM port in the Host COM Port parameter to establish a serial communication between the Arduino board and your host computer.


Select the maximum speed of downloading a PIL executable of the Simulink model on your Arduino board in bits per second.

Set Baudrate to Specify to enter a baud rate supported by your Arduino board.


Default: 921600

115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400, 9600, 4800, 2400, 300, Specify

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