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On-board CAN properties

Use the on-board Arduino® CAN properties to set the CAN bus speeds and configure the CAN input mailbox for Arduino Due and Arduino compatible Teensy 4.0 and 4.1 hardware boards. To enable this property, in the Configuration Parameters dialog box, set Hardware board to one of them:

  • Arduino Due

  • Teensy 4.0 (Arduino Compatible)

  • Teensy 4.1 (Arduino Compatible)

The following table maps the Arduino hardware boards with the supported on-board CAN controllers and maximum number of configurable mailboxes.

Arduino BoardsSupported CAN ControllerSupported Number of Mailboxes
Arduino DueCAN0 and CAN1Up to 8
Arduino compatible Teensy 4.0 and 4.1CAN1, CAN2, and CAN3Up to 64

CAN Bus Speed (kBits/s)

Select the transmission speed at which the on-board Arduino controller sends or receives data from the CAN bus, in kilo bits per second.


Default: 500

5, 10, 20, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200, 250, 1000

CAN Pins

Select the CAN transmitter and receiver pins for on-board Arduino Teensy CAN1 controller.


To enable this option, set Hardware board to Teensy 4.0 (Arduino Compatible) or Teensy 4.1 (Arduino Compatible) and then select On-board CAN1 properties.


Default: Default (Tx:22, Rx:23)

Alternate (Tx:11, Rx:13)

Filter configuration

Select the acceptance filter option.

  • Allow all — Select this option to allow all messages from the CAN mailboxes to pass through the acceptance filter.

  • Manual — Select this option to manually configure properties of CAN mailboxes such as identifier type, identifier range, and so on.


Default: Allow all


Number of mailbox

Select the number of mailboxes that you can configure the CAN controller to receive data from CAN bus.


To enable this option, set Hardware board to Teensy 4.0 (Arduino Compatible) or Teensy 4.1 (Arduino Compatible). Select either On-board CAN1 properties, On-board CAN2 properties, or On-board CAN3 properties, and then set Filter configuration to Manual.



For Teensy 4.0 and 4.1 (Arduino compatible), you can manually configure up to 64 mailboxes.

Mailbox type

Configure a mailbox to receive or transmit CAN data.


To enable this option, set Filter configuration to Manual.


By default, for all CAN controller modules, Mailbox 0 is configured as Tx and the other mailboxes are configured as Rx.

ID type

Select the CAN message ID type.

  • Standard — Select this option to configure a CAN message in a 11-bit standard frame format.

  • Extended — Select this option to configure a CAN message in a 29-bit extended frame format.


To enable this option, select either On-board CAN1 properties, On-board CAN2 properties, or On-board CAN3 properties. Then, set Filter configuration to Manual and Mailbox type to Rx.


Default: Standard



Specify a receiver filter value that compares the received CAN ID bits with the corresponding bits of the received CAN message. If the CAN ID matches, the received CAN message is stored in the receiver mailbox. If a mismatch occurs, the CAN message reception is filtered out.


To enable this option, set Hardware board to Arduino Due. Select On-board CAN0 properties or On-board CAN1 properties. Then, set Filter configuration to Manual and Mailbox type to Rx.


Default: 0x7FF

ID Range

Specify a matrix of maximum five receiver filter values that compares the received CAN IDs with the corresponding bits of the received CAN message. If the CAN ID matches, the received CAN message is stored in the receiver mailbox. If a mismatch occurs, the CAN message reception is filtered out.


Default: 255


To enable this option, set Hardware board to Teensy 4.0 (Arduino Compatible) or Teensy 4.1 (Arduino Compatible). Select either On-board CAN1 properties, On-board CAN2 properties, or On-board CAN3 properties, and then set Filter configuration to Manual.


Specify a receiver mask value that indicates which bits are to be filtered in the CAN ID.


Default: 0


To enable this option, set Hardware board to Arduino Due. Set Filter configuration to Manual and Mailbox type to Rx.

Enhance filter

Select this option to filter only the required data from a multi-identifier filter and provide only the ones you requested.

Select this option to stop filtering frames from a multi-ID filter to store messages of IDs that were not requested to the queue.

For example, if you want to store IDs 0x1 and 0x5 into a mailbox, you will also receive 0x3 and 0x7 as two out of the three bits are different between both the IDs. If you select this option, the mailbox will store only the IDs you requested.


To enable this option, set Hardware board to Teensy 4.0 (Arduino Compatible) or Teensy 4.1 (Arduino Compatible). Select either On-board CAN1 properties, On-board CAN2 properties, or On-board CAN3 properties, and then set Filter configuration to Manual.

See Also


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