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BLE properties

Use the Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) properties to configure the device name and the local name of the peripheral device, advertising interval, minimum and maximum BLE connection intervals.

Peripheral Device Name

Enter the name of your BLE peripheral device in the built-in device name characteristic of a peripheral device. This name is visible to a BLE central device when it scans for nearby BLE enabled peripheral devices. For example, if you set this parameter to Device_name and scan using any other central or BLE supported device, this advertising name shows in the device name characteristic of the BLE peripheral device.

Peripheral Local Name

Enter the local name of a BLE peripheral device that is visible to a BLE central device. For example, if you set this parameter to Local_name and scan using any other central or BLE supported device, this local name shows in the BLE Scan wizard.

Advertising Interval (*0.625 mS)

Enter the BLE advertising interval during which the peripheral device sends advertising packets periodically on each advertising channel. This value is multiplied by a factor of 0.625 milliseconds. You can enter an interval time frame of 20 milliseconds to 10.24 milliseconds in steps of 0.625 milliseconds.

Min Connection Interval (*1.25 mS)

Enter the minimum time that a peripheral device can take to establish a BLE connection with the central device. This value is multiplied by a factor of 1.25 milliseconds. The minimum connection interval value is 6 (7.5 milliseconds).

Max Connection Interval (*1.25 mS)

Enter the maximum time that a peripheral device can take to establish a BLE connection with the central device. This value is multiplied by a factor of 1.25 milliseconds. The maximum connection interval value is 3200 (4 seconds).

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