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Build options

Build action

Specify whether you want only build or build, load, and run actions during code generation.


Default: Build, load and run


Build the code during the build process.

Build, load and run

Build, load, and to run the generated code during the build process.

Disable parallel build

  • on – When you select this option, the support package compiles generated code and driver source codes in sequential order.

  • off – When you clear the selection, the support package compiles generated code and driver source codes parallely. Parallel execution reduces the time taken to build the model.


Default: off

Enable force rebuild of static library

  • on – When you select this option, Arduino® library files are built each time you compile the Simulink® model, thus resulting in a slower build.

  • off – When you clear the selection, Arduino library files are saved in a static library file. This library file is created only when the Simulink model is compiled for the first time. For all consecutive compilation, the support package uses the same library file, resulting in a faster build.


Default: off

Verbose output

Select this option to view additional diagnostics about these functionalities.

  • Simulink models deployed on your Arduino hardware board.

  • List COM port numbers of the host machine to which you have connected the Arduino hardware by using the vendor identification (VID) and product identification (PID) numbers.


Default: off

Terminate Teensy Loader application post deployment

Select this option to close the Arduino Teensy Loader application after you deploy a Simulink model on your Arduino Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 hardware board.


To avoid any latency while re-deploying a Simulink model on your Arduino Teensy hardware board, clear this option.


If the Teensy Loader application does not detect the COM port that you either manually specify or select in Configuration Parameters > Target hardware resources > Host-board connection > Application download, the application then automatically detects the COM port to which your Arduino Teensy board is connected to the host computer and deploys the Simulink model.


Default: off

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