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WiFi ThingSpeak Read

Read data stored in a ThingSpeak channel

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware add-on.


You can retrieve data from the Internet of Things website by using ThingSpeak™ to download the data to your target hardware.

ThingSpeak is an application platform that you can use for the Internet of Things. You can build an application around data that is collected by sensors. ThingSpeak includes real-time data collection, data processing, visualizations, apps, and plugins.

You can see the ThingSpeak server response to a data download request by selecting the Print diagnostic messages option. This option has no effect when you use External mode, Serial Transmit, or Serial Receive blocks that use port 0.

Supported Hardware

This table lists the properties of the hardware supported by the block.

Target HardwareReceive Limit (Number of Bytes)
Wi-Fi® Shield64 bytes
Arduino® MKR1000, Arduino MKR Wi-Fi 1010, Arduino Nano 33 IoT, Arduino compatible ESP32 – WROOM, Arduino compatible ESP32 – WROVER1400 bytes


If you are using ESP8266 for Wi-Fi connectivity, the WiFi ThingSpeak Read block is not supported.

  • WiFi ThingSpeak Read block


Channel ID

Get the Channel ID parameter from your channel on

After creating a ThingSpeak channel for your target hardware:

  1. On the website, select Channels > My Channels.

  2. Under the channel that you created for this target hardware, click Settings.

  3. Click the Channel Settings tab and copy the Channel ID.

  4. Open the WiFi ThingSpeak Read block in your model and paste the value into the Channel ID parameter.

Channel Access

To access the channel, you must have a read API key.

You can make the channel public to allow other users to use your feed without a Read API key.

Read API Key
  1. On the website, select Channels > My Channels.

  2. Under the channel that you created for this target hardware, click Settings.

  3. Click the API Keys tab.

  4. Copy the key from Read API Key parameter.

  5. Open the WiFi ThingSpeak Read block in your model and paste the copied API key into the Read API key parameter.

Field Number

Select the number of fields that you want to read from the ThingSpeak channel.

Print diagnostic messages

Select this check box to get ThingSpeak server response data and send it to the standard output device.

Sample time

Specify in seconds how often this block reads the ThingSpeak channel.

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