Pin Mapping for Arduino Timer Independent Blocks
Simulink® Support Package for Arduino® Hardware supports these blocks whose operation is independent of the timer on the Arduino hardware board.
To view the pin mapping for these blocks, click View pin map in the Block Parameters dialog box. This opens the pin mapping table for Arduino boards and Arduino compatible ESP32 boards . For example, to find which pins you can use in the ThingSpeak Write block for the Leonardo board, look for the ThingSpeak Write entry under the Blocks column vertically down and Leonardo board horizontally across. Pins 10-13 can be used for the Leonardo board.
See Also
Pin Mapping for Arduino Timer Dependent Blocks | Digital Input | I2C Read | ThingSpeak Write | Digital Output | Serial Receive | WiFi TCP/IP Receive | Analog Input | Serial Transmit | WiFi TCP/IP Send | Analog Output | TCP/IP Receive | WiFi UDP Send | External Interrupt | TCP/IP Send | WiFi UDP Receive | SPI WriteRead | UDP Receive | CAN Transmit | I2C Write | UDP Send | CAN Receive | Encoder