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Detect true duration on input and construct output true duration based on output type

  • Detector block

Simulink Design Verifier / Temporal Operators


This block detects a fixed number of consecutive time steps where the input signal is true and constructs an output signal based on the selected output type. The terminology used to explain the detector block is given below:

  • True duration of a signal — Consecutive time steps during which a signal is true

  • Length of the true duration of the signal — The number of time steps that constitute the true duration

  • Input detection phase — The phase that is complete at the final time step of the expected length of the input true duration

  • Output construction phase— The phase when the block constructs a true duration at the output based on the output type of the block

  • Delay duration — The number of time steps of delay after input detection, after which the output signal is true

On input detection, the Detector block constructs an output signal based on one of the two output types that you specify:

  • Delayed Fixed Duration—After the input detection is complete and after an optional delay, the output signal becomes true for a fixed number of time steps. The true duration of the output is independent of the input.

  • Synchronized—In the final time step of the input detection, the output becomes true and stays true as long as the input signal continues to be true. The true duration of the output varies and is synchronized with the true duration of the input.



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The inputs of the Detector block are of boolean type.

Data Types: Boolean


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The outputs of the Detector block are of boolean type.

Data Types: Boolean


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Specify whether the block can be reset to the start of the input detection by an external Boolean reset signal.

Select Delayed Fixed Duration (the default) to specify a fixed true duration length for the output after an optional delay. Select Synchronized to synchronize the output true duration with that of the input.

Length of the true duration for input detection (minimum is 1).

For Delayed Fixed Duration, optionally specify the length of the delay duration, after which the output becomes true.

For Delayed Fixed Duration, specify the length of the output true duration (minimum is 1).

Version History

Introduced in R2011a

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