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Analyze Export-Function Model with Function-Call Subsystems

This example shows how you can analyze a model which consists of periodic function-call subsystems. This example uses the AUTOSAR example model sldvExportFunction_autosar_multirunnables.

1. Open the sldvExportFunction_autosar_multirunnables model.


2. To run the test generation analysis, on the Design Verifier tab, click Generate Tests.

The Simulink Design Verifier Results Summary window indicates that a scheduler model sldvExportFunction_autosar_multirunnables_SldvScheduler.slx is created. You can also generate a scheduler model by using sldvextract.



The scheduler model consists of a MATLAB® function block _SldvExportFcnScheduler. The function calls are called periodically as the model consists of periodic function-call subsystem.

The MATLAB® code specifies the order in which the periodic function-call execute. Runnable1 and Runnable2 executes first because the time period is 1 for both of them. After 10 time steps, Runnable3 executes.


If the model consists of aperiodic function-call subsystems, the scheduler consists of an additional inport FcnTriggerPort. The value of FcnTriggerPort indicates whether to invoke the function-call in a time step.

For example, if Runnable1 is an aperiodic function-call subsystem, the FcnTriggerPort Inport block invokes the scheduler model. This graphic shows the Timing Legend window and the scheduler model for an aperiodic function-call.


After the test generation analysis, in the Simulink Design Verifier Results Summary window, you see the results that 7/7 objectives are Satisfied.

3. To simulate the test cases and generate a coverage report, click Simulate tests and produce a model coverage report in the Simulink Design Verifier Results Summary window. The software simulates the test cases, collects model coverage information, and displays a coverage report.

4. To view the detailed analysis report, click HTML in the Simulink Design Verifier Results Summary window.

The Schedule for Export Function Analysis section in the Analysis Information chapter lists the schedule for invoking the export functions.


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