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EtherCAT Protocol Mapping

EtherCAT® supports several overlay protocols. Simulink® Real-Time™ supports some of the protocols directly, provides others with minimal support, and does not support some other protocols.

Overlay Protocol

Protocol Description

Support Type


CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE)

Implements CANopen functionality by using EtherCAT


Model CoE by using SDO upload and download blocks

Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE)

Provides EtherCAT wrapper around Ethernet packets. EtherCAT acts as network switch


Send wrapped EoE messages between separate subordinate devices

File Access over EtherCAT (FoE)

Updates the EtherCAT board ROM

Not supported

Update the EtherCAT subordinate device ROM with TwinCAT® 3.

Functional Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE)

Sends asynchronous safety messages over the network

Not supported

Not applicable

Servcos over EtherCAT (SoE)

Wraps vendor-specific servo commands in a common protocol


SoE by using SSC up and down

CoE and SoE are two addressing schemes for configuration parameters in subordinate devices. SoE is used for some motor drives. For more information, see the device documentation.

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