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EtherCAT Init

Initialize EtherCAT main device node with data in the EtherCAT Network Information (ENI) file

Since R2020b

  • EtherCAT Init block

Simulink Real-Time / EtherCAT


The EtherCAT Init block initializes the EtherCAT® main device stack. The block specifies the Ethernet interface cards in the network.

Before you use this block, create and save an EtherCAT Network Information (ENI) file. You export the ENI file from the Beckhoff® TwinCAT® or the acontis EC-Engineer. See Configure EtherCAT Network by Using TwinCAT 3.

To find the ENI file, click Browse. To read the ENI file and store the data in the EtherCAT Init block, click Refresh Data.

The Simulink® Real-Time™ software supports multiple EtherCAT networks. To use multiple networks:

  • Use a different Ethernet card interface for each EtherCAT network.

  • In the model, use one EtherCAT Init block for each network.

To include EtherCAT distributed clocks when PTP is enabled for the model, use EtherCAT bus shift mode.




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The Status vector contains these values: ErrVal, MdeviceState, DCErrVal, MdeviceToNetworkClkDiff, DCInitState, and NetworkToSubDeviceClkDiff.

  • ErrVal — Error status:

    • No error: 0

    • Error: Value less than 0.

    Because ErrVal shows the latest error status, the propagation of errors can hide the original error. To find the original error, add an EtherCAT Get Notifications block and use the slrealtime.EtherCAT.filterNotifications command to print the status codes that the EtherCAT stack transmits.

  • MdeviceState — Operating state of the EtherCAT network.

    INIT1Initialization — The system finds terminal devices and initializes the communication controller.
    PREOP2Preoperational — The system uses the communication controller to exchange system-specific initialization data. In this state, the network cannot transmit or receive signal data.
    SAFEOP4Safe operational — The network is running and ready for full operation. The supervisor sends input data to the terminal device. The terminal device output remains in a safe state.
    OP8Operational — The network is in full operation. The supervisor sends input data to the terminal device. The terminal device responds with output data.
  • DCErrVal — DC error status for the main device shift controller:

    When you select main device shift controller mode, the value 0 indicates successful clock distribution. The DCErrVal does not apply when the distributed clock is disabled.

  • MdeviceToNetworkClkDiff — Time difference, in nanoseconds, between the main device stack clock and the clock on the first subordinate device that has enabled DC.

  • DCInitState — Operating state of the distributed clock:

    • DC not enabled, not initialized, or single EtherCAT DC subordinate device: 0

    • DC has been started and the EtherCAT DC subordinate devices are in sync with each other: 1

  • NetworkToSubDeviceClkDiff — Time difference, in nanoseconds, between the clock on the first EtherCAT subordinate device and the least closely locked clock on the remaining subordinate devices.

    This value applies only to subordinate devices that have enabled DC. If only one device on the network has enabled DC, this value is 0.

Data Types: int32


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Specify the ENI file that you exported from the EtherCAT configurator.

You can specify the absolute path name or a relative path name from the current folder. If you specify only the file name, the software searches for the file in the current folder and on the MATLAB® path. If more than one file with that name exists on the path, MATLAB displays a message box that indicates a clearer file specification is needed.

Clicking Browse inserts a full, editable path name.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: config_file

A unique integer in the range 0–15 that identifies the Ethernet card for an EtherCAT network.

For each EtherCAT network, the software generates a unique device index. The software inserts that device index as Device index into the EtherCAT Init block that represents the network. For more information about Speedgoat Target Machine settings, see Install EtherCAT Network for Execution.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: device_id

The first port reserved for EtherCAT by the speedgoat.configureEthernet function is port 1 here. For more information, see the description of the speedgoat.configureEthernet function in Speedgoat documentation. For more information about Speedgoat Target Machine settings, see Install EtherCAT Network for Execution.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: portnum

Enter the initialization end state parameter from one of these values:

  • Op (default) — Select OP state

  • PreOp — Select PREOP state

  • SafeOp — Select SAFEOP state

This parameter sets the EtherCAT master stack into the requested state, just after the creation of the master. This approach is useful when there is work to be done in states such as SAFEOP. After completing that work, use the EtherCAT Set State to set the block to INIT.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: initstate

Enter the distributed clock initialization parameter from one of these values:

  • Large model (default) — Sends 16,000 timing initialization packets and allows 1 second of settling time. Provides best initial synchronization between multiple subordinate devices that have DC enabled.

  • Medium model — Sends 8,000 timing initialization packets and allows 0.3 seconds of settling time. The model reaches operational state about a second earlier than it does with the Large model setting.

  • Small model — Sends 2,000 timing initialization packets and allows 0.2 seconds of settling time. The model reaches operational state earlier than it does with the other settings.

Observe device synchronization at the moment that the model enters the operational state. If the ENI file enables DC, make sure that the devices are synchronized closely enough for your application.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: dctuning

The selections choose:

  • Off — Skip all except fatal errors in log.

  • Warning — Include warnings and fatal errors in log.

  • Info — Include information displays, warnings, and fatal errors in log.

  • Verbose — Include sequencing information from EtherCAT stack, information displays, warnings, and fatal errors in log.

  • All — include low level debugging information and all other categories in log.

The Verbose and All logging levels can produce so much data that it can cause overloads at fast task rates.

The target log file name is E_Mdevice%d, where %d is the device id value.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: enaDebug

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b