XCP Client Mode
The Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol (XCP) is a network protocol that you can use to connect calibration systems to electronic control units (ECUs).
A node in the network can run in either client mode or server mode. Simulink® Real-Time™ supports XCP in client mode to replace (bypass) a subsystem of the ECU controller. The bypass model acquires input signals from the ECU system, computes the output, and stimulates the result.
To support XCP client mode, the Simulink Real-Time software provides the XCP sublibrary. You can:
Acquire real-time measurement data by using the XCP CAN Data Acquisition block or XCP UDP Data Acquisition block.
Attach incoming data to software interrupts by using the XCP UDP Bypass block.
Stimulate real-time measurement data by using the XCP CAN Data Stimulation or XCP UDP Data Stimulation block.
To create an XCP client model:
Provide an A2L (ASAP2) format file that contains signal, parameter, and XCP-specific network elements for the server ECU.
Provide an XCP Configuration block to load the A2L data into the XCP database.
Provide one XCP CAN Transport Layer for each XCP CAN Configuration block.
Simulink Real-Time supports XCP implemented by using FIFO mode CAN or real-time UDP as transport protocols.
Apply stimulus data to the server device by using the XCP Data Stimulation block.
Acquire measurement data from the server device by using the XCP Data Acquisition block.
If an error occurs during XCP communications, the XCP client attempts to resolve
the issue and continue communications. For example, when a
error is detected
for the setup command, the XCP client retries the command. If unsuccessful, the
client attempts a restart of XCP communications. The real-time application keeps
running while the XCP client tries to reestablish communications. You can monitor
communication status by using the Output Connection Status
of the XCP
UDP Configuration block, the XCP
CAN Configuration block, or the XCP
CAN FD Configuration block.
See Also
XCP CAN Configuration | XCP CAN Data Acquisition | XCP CAN Data Stimulation | XCP CAN Transport Layer | XCP UDP Data Acquisition | XCP UDP Data Stimulation | XCP UDP Configuration