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Class: slreq.LinkSet
Namespace: slreq

Add custom attribute to link set

Since R2020b




addAttribute(myLinkSet,name,type) adds a custom attribute with the name specified by name and the custom attribute type specified by type to the link set myLinkSet.

addAttribute(myLinkSet,name,'Checkbox','DefaultValue',value) adds a Checkbox custom attribute with the name specified by name and the default value specified by value to the link set myLinkSet.

addAttribute(myLinkSet,name,'Combobox','List',options) adds a Combobox custom attribute with name specified by name, and the list options specified by options to the link set myLinkSet.

addAttribute(myLinkSet,___,'Description',descr) adds a custom attribute with the name specified by name, the type specified by type, and the description specified by descr to the link set myLinkSet.

Input Arguments

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Link set, specified as an slreq.LinkSet object.

Custom attribute name, specified as a character array.

Custom attribute type, specified as a character array. The valid custom attribute types are 'Edit', 'Checkbox', 'Combobox', and 'DateTime'.

Custom attribute description, specified as a character array.

Checkbox default value, specified as a logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Combobox list options, specified as a cell array. The list of options is valid only if 'Unset' is the first entry. 'Unset' indicates that the user hasn't chosen an option from the combo box. If the list does not start with 'Unset', it will be automatically appended as the first entry.

Example: {'Unset','A','B','C'}


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This example shows how to add a custom attribute to of all four available types, Edit, Checkbox, Combobox, and DateTime, and how to add a custom attribute with a description.

Load the crs_req_func_spec requirement set.

rs = slreq.load("crs_req_func_spec");

Get a handle for the crs_req_func_spec link set.

ls = slreq.find(Type="LinkSet",Name="crs_req_func_spec");

Add an Edit Custom Attribute

Add an Edit custom attribute to the link set. Confirm that the attribute added by using inspectAttribute.

atrb = inspectAttribute(ls,"MyEditAttribute")
atrb = struct with fields:
           name: "MyEditAttribute"
           type: Edit
    description: ''

Add a Checkbox Custom Attribute

Add a Checkbox custom attribute with the default value true. Confirm that the attribute was added successfully by using inspectAttribute.

atrb2 = inspectAttribute(ls,"MyCheckbox")
atrb2 = struct with fields:
           name: "MyCheckbox"
           type: Checkbox
    description: ''
        default: 1

Add a Combobox Custom Attribute

Add a ComboBox custom attribute with the options Unset, A, B, and C. Confirm that the attribute was added successfully by using inspectAttribute.

atrb3 = inspectAttribute(ls,"MyCombobox")
atrb3 = struct with fields:
           name: "MyCombobox"
           type: Combobox
    description: ''
           list: {'Unset'  'A'  'B'  'C'}

Add a DateTime Custom Attribute

Add a DateTime custom attribute. Confirm that the attribute was added successfully by using inspectAttribute.

atrb4 = inspectAttribute(ls,"MyDateTime")
atrb4 = struct with fields:
           name: "MyDateTime"
           type: DateTime
    description: ''

Add a Custom Attribute with a Description

Add an Edit custom attribute. Add a description to the custom attribute. Confirm that the attribute was added successfully by using inspectAttribute.

    "You can enter text as the custom attribute value.");
atrb5 = inspectAttribute(ls,"MyEditAttribute2")
atrb5 = struct with fields:
           name: "MyEditAttribute2"
           type: Edit
    description: 'You can enter text as the custom attribute value.'

Add a ComboBox custom attribute with the options Unset, A, B, and C. Add a description to the custom attribute. Confirm that the attribute was added successfully by using inspectAttribute.

    "This combo box attribute has 4 options.");
atrb6 = inspectAttribute(ls,"MyCombobox2")
atrb6 = struct with fields:
           name: "MyCombobox2"
           type: Combobox
    description: 'This combo box attribute has 4 options.'
           list: {'Unset'  'A'  'B'  'C'}

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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