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Class: slreq.LinkSet
Namespace: slreq

Export link set to previous MATLAB version


tf = exportToVersion(myLinkSet,name,version)


tf = exportToVersion(myLinkSet,name,version) saves a copy of the link set myLinkSet as a new link set file that is compatible with the MATLAB® version specified by version and with file name specified by name. The method returns 1 if the file is exported. The file is saved in the current folder.


You can only export link sets to version R2017b or later.

Input Arguments

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Link set, specified as an slreq.LinkSet object.

File name for exported link set, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

MATLAB version to export to, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

You can export to version R2017b or later.

Example: tf = exportToVersion(myLinkSet,"newLinkSet","R2021a")

Output Arguments

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Export success status, returned as a logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Data Types: logical


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This example shows how to export a link set to a file that is compatible with a previous version of MATLAB.

Open the ShortestPath project. Load the shortest_path_func_reqs requirement set, which also loads the shortest_path link set.


Find the shortest_path link set and assign it to a variable.

myLinkSet = slreq.find("Type","LinkSet","Name","shortest_path");

Export the link set to a new file that is compatible with MATLAB R2020a. Name the new file shortest_path_20a.

tf = exportToVersion(myLinkSet,"shortest_path_20a","R2020a")
tf = logical


  • If the link set contains links to Model-Based Design artifacts, you might also need to export the artifacts to a previous version for the links to be resolved. For more information, see Export Link Sets.

  • You can export a requirement set to a previous version by using the exportToVersion method of slreq.ReqSet.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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