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Configure Requirements Toolbox for IBM DOORS Software

Requirements Toolbox™ communicates with IBM® DOORS® so that you can import requirements and establish links between requirements and Model-Based Design items such as Simulink® model elements and tests. After you install or update MATLAB®, Simulink, or IBM DOORS, you must configure MATLAB to communicate with DOORS. You can only integrate Requirements Toolbox and DOORS on Windows® platforms.

First perform the setup described in Configure Requirements Toolbox for Interaction with Microsoft Office and IBM DOORS. If Requirements Toolbox and IBM DOORS communicate after performing that setup, you do not need to perform the setup described here.

Manually Install Additional Files for DOORS Software

The setup script automatically copies the required DOORS files to the installation folders. However, the script might fail because of file permissions in your DOORS installation. If the script fails, change the file permissions on the DOORS installation folders and rerun the script.

You can also manually install the required files into the specified folders, as described in the following steps:

  1. If the DOORS software is running, close the application.

  2. Copy the following files from matlabroot\toolbox\shared\reqmgt\dxl to the <doors_install_dir>\lib\dxl\addins folder.


    If you have not modified the files, replace any existing versions of the files; otherwise, merge the contents of both files into a single file.

  3. Copy the following files from matlabroot\toolbox\shared\reqmgt\dxl to the <doors_install_dir>\lib\dxl\addins\dmi folder.


    Replace existing versions of these files.

  4. Open the <doors_install_dir>\lib\dxl\startup.dxl file. In the user-defined files section, add the following include statement:

    #include <addins/dmi/>

    Save and close the startup.dxl file.

    If you upgrade from Version 7.1 to a later version of the DOORS software, perform these additional steps:

    1. In your DOORS installation folder, navigate to the ...\lib\dxl\startupFiles subfolder.

    2. In a text editor, open the copiedFromDoors7.dxl file.

    3. Add // before this line to comment it out:

      #include <addins/dmi/>

    4. Save and close the copiedFromDoors7.dxl file.

  5. Start the DOORS and MATLAB software.

  6. Run the setup script using the following MATLAB command.

    rmi setup

Address DXL Errors

If you try to synchronize your Simulink model to a DOORS project without configuring Requirements Toolbox for use with DOORS, you might see the following errors:

-E- DXL: <Line:2> incorrectly concatenated tokens
-E- DXL: <Line:2> undeclared variable (dmiRefreshModule)
-I- DXL: all done with 2 errors and 0 warnings

If you see these errors, exit the DOORS software, rerun the steps in Configure Requirements Toolbox for Interaction with Microsoft Office and IBM DOORS, and restart the DOORS software.

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