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Analyze electric circuit


sps = power_analyze('sys','structure')
[A,B,C,D,x0,states,inputs,outputs,uss,xss,yss,frequencies,Hlin] =...
sps = power_analyze('sys','sort')
sps = power_analyze('sys','ss')
SW = power_analyze('sys','getSwitchStatus')
sps = power_analyze('sys','setSwitchStatus',SW)


The power_analyze command computes the equivalent state-space model of the specified electrical model built with Simscape™ Electrical™ Specialized Power Systems software. It evaluates the A, B, C, D standard matrices of the state-space system described by the equations


where the state vector x represents the inductor currents and capacitor voltages, the input vector u represents the voltage and current sources, and the output vector y represents the voltage and current measurements of the model.

Nonlinear elements, such as the motors or machines, are simulated either by current sources driven by the voltages across the nonlinear element terminals, or by voltage sources driven by the currents through the nonlinear element terminals. The nonlinear elements produce additional current and voltage source inputs to the u vector, and additional voltage and current measurements outputs to the y vector.

For the switching devices elements, such as the breakers, diodes, and thyristors, the state-space calculations include only the resistance and capacitance elements of the snubber devices.

The Simulink® blocks of the model, as well as the internal Simulink models of the Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems nonlinear elements, are not represented in the state-space matrices.

State-Space Matrices

The A, B, C, D matrices are computed for the particular circuit topology where all the switch devices, if any, are considered to be open status (that is, with infinite impedance).

power_analyze also computes the Aswitch, Bswitch, Cswitch, and Dswitch matrices for the circuit topology that take into account the initial state (open/closed) of the Breaker and Ideal Switch blocks present in the model. The initial state of power electronic devices (Diodes, Thyristors, and so on) is considered to be open, unless a nonzero initial current value is specified in the mask of the device when Lon parameter is different from zero.

For a circuit that contains no switches, the Aswitch, Bswitch, Cswitch, and Dswitch matrices have exactly the same values as the A, B, C, D matrices.


In Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems software, each state variable name begins with a prefix Uc_ for capacitor voltages or Il_ for inductor currents, followed by the name of the block in which the element (C or L) is found.

A character vector is added to this prefix for blocks containing more than one inductance or capacitor. For example, the Linear Transformer block is represented with four state variables, one for each of the three leakage inductances, defined with the prefixes Il_winding_x:, where x is the winding number of the transformer, and one state for the magnetization inductance defined with the prefix Il_Lm:.


Each input state variable name begins with a prefix U_ for voltage sources or I_ for current sources, followed by the name of the source block. Text can be added to the prefix for blocks containing more than one source. For example, the Synchronous Machine block produces two current inputs with prefixes I_A: and I_B: (phase A and phase B machine currents).


Each output state variable name begins with a prefix U_ for voltage outputs or I_ for current outputs, followed by the name of the block that produces the output. Text can be added to the prefix for blocks containing more than one output. For example, the Synchronous Machine block produces two voltage outputs with prefixes U_AB: and U_BC: (two machine phase-to-phase voltages).

Sign Conventions

The following conventions are used for inputs:

  • Source current flowing in the arrow direction is positive.

  • Positive source voltage is indicated by a + sign on the icon.

The sign conventions used for voltages and currents of state variables and measurement outputs are described in Measuring Voltages and Currents.

Output Arguments: Structure

sps = power_analyze('sys','structure') creates a structure array sps with fields and values describing the model sys.

The fields of the structure array are defined in the following order.




Name of the model


char array of state variable names


char array of system input names


char array of system output names


nstates-by-nstates state-space A matrix


nstates-by-ninput state-space B matrix


noutput-by-nstates state-space C matrix


noutput-by-ninput state-space D matrix


nstates-by-1 vector of initial conditions of the state variables listed in states


nstates-by-nfreq steady-state values of states. A set of values is computed for every frequency specified in the frequencies vector.


ninput-by-nfreq steady-state values of inputs. A set of values is computed for every frequency specified in the frequencies vector.


noutput-by-nfreq steady-state values of outputs. A set of values is computed for every frequency specified in the frequencies vector.


1-by-nfreq vector of input source frequencies ordered by increasing values


char array of dependent state variable names. The dependent states are not included in the state-space equations.


Vector of initial conditions of dependent states


nstates-by-nfreq steady-state values of dependent states


Discrete state-space A matrix. Returns an empty value when the Powergui is in continuous or in phasor mode.


Discrete state-space B matrix. Returns an empty value when the Powergui is in continuous or in phasor mode.


Discrete state-space C matrix. Returns an empty value when the Powergui is in continuous or in phasor mode.


Discrete state-space D matrix. Returns an empty value when the Powergui is in continuous or in phasor mode.


Vector of discrete initial conditions. Returns an empty value when the Powergui is in continuous or in phasor mode.


Sample time value used to compute discrete state-space matrices


A matrix taking into account the initial status of switch devices


B matrix taking into account the initial status of switch devices


C matrix taking into account the initial status of switch devices


D matrix taking into account the initial status of switch devices


Vector of initial values of switch currents


noutput-by-ninput-by-nfreq complex transfer function of impedances of the linear system corresponding to the frequencies contained in the frequencies vector. For a particular frequency, Hlin is defined by

yss(:,i) = Hlin(:,:,i) * uss(:,i)


Display the oscillatory modes of the state-space system

The table uses the following conventions:

  • nstates is the number of states.

  • ninput is the number of inputs.

  • noutput is the number of outputs.

  • nfreq is the number of input source frequencies.

[A,B,C,D,x0,states,inputs,outputs,uss,xss,yss,frequencies,Hlin] =...
returns the state-space calculations in separate variables.

Output Arguments: Sort

sps = power_analyze('sys','sort') returns a structure array sps with the following fields related to the interconnection of Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems blocks in a model. The fields are defined in the following order.




Name of the model


Sample time for discrete systems


rlc matrix in the power_statespace format


List of blocks containing the state variable


Source matrix in the power_statespace format


Names of the blocks defined as sources


Names of the inputs of the system


Names of the outputs of the system


Output expression in the power_statespace format


Output expression in matrix format (internal)


Names of the voltage and current measurement blocks

Output Arguments: ss

sps = power_analyze('sys','ss') creates a continuous state-space model of the model sys with matrices A, B, C, D. You must have Control System Toolbox™ software installed for this option. The output is a state-space object.

Output Arguments: Net

power_analyze('sys','net') generates a netlist stored in a file, The file contains the node numbers automatically generated by power_analyze, as well as parameter values of all linear elements. See the formats described in the power_statespace reference page.

Output Arguments: getSwitchStatus

SW = power_analyze('sys','getSwitchStatus') returns a structure array with switch names and their initial status. You can use the SW structure to specify switch statuses for a particular circuit topology and to compute the corresponding state-space matrices using the command sps = power_analyze('sys','setSwitchStatus',SW). The SW structure contains the following fields.




Names of the switches of the system


Vector of initial states of switches

Output Arguments: setSwitchStatus

sps = power_analyze('sys','setSwitchStatus',SW) creates a structure array sps with fields and values describing the state-space matrices of model sys for the switch status defined in SW. Use the command
SW = power_analyze('sys','getSwitchStatus')
to obtain the SW structure array.




nstates-by-nstates state-space A matrix


nstates-by-ninput state-space B matrix


noutput-by-nstates state-space C matrix


noutput-by-ninput state-space D matrix


nstates-by-1 vector of initial conditions of the state variables listed in states


Obtain the state-space matrices and steady-state voltages and currents for the power_netsim2 model.

The command

sps = power_analyze('power_netsim2','structure');

returns the state-space model in the sps structure variable.

sps.A =
   1.0e+04 *
         0    			6.2500
   -0.0083			-1.4250

sps.uss =
sps.xss =
   	1.0e+02 *
   	4.8392 - 5.1314i
   	0.0310 + 0.0292i

sps.yss =
   	1.0e+02 *
   	8.5535 - 1.6287i	

sps.inputs = 

sps.outputs =
	I_Current Measurement

The inductor current of the 51-ohm, 12-mH block and the capacitor voltage of the 120-ohm, 16-µF block are the two state variables in this circuit. The Breaker block is a nonlinear element that is represented by a current source (the first input) driven by the voltage across its terminals (the first output).

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