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Calculate Losses in a Power Converter

This example shows how to calculate the losses in a power converter using the ee_getPowerLossSummary function and the power_dissipated variable. The power converter contains six Diode blocks. Diodes D1, D2, D4, and D5 each loose, on average, 52.19 W over the course of the 0.5 second simulation. Diodes D3 and D6 each loose an average of 52.22 W for the same time period because they experience a 340 W transient power-dissipation spike due to DC-load capacitor charging before t = 1e-3 s. For each diode, the average power loss when the power converter is operating in steady-state, t = 0.4 to 0.5 s, is 52.19 W.


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