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Lane Change Reference Generator

Generate double-lane change maneuver reference signals


    The Lane Change Reference Generator block sets the parameters that configure the double-lane change maneuver.

    After the vehicle reaches the reference velocity, the block commands a zero acceleration signal and generates a lateral reference trajectory as a function of the longitudinal displacement. The block also generates signals indicating the left and right lane boundaries as a function of the axle width.

    Use the Steady-state initial conditions parameter to specify the initial conditions for the maneuver. By default, the parameter is set to Initialize from model, and the simulation starts with the vehicle at rest at the specified initial position. If you want to start the simulation at the non-zero steady-state velocity:

    1. Set Steady-state initial conditions to Solve using block parameters.

    2. On the Steady-State Solver tab, specify the initial conditions, workspace variable, and solver settings. Click Generate steady state solution.

    3. After the simulation completes, set Steady-state initial conditions to Resume from a workspace variable.

    4. Set Steady-state solution to start from, ssVar to the workspace variable you specified in step 2.

    5. Run the simulation.

    For an example, see Start Double-Lane Change Maneuver at Target Velocity.




    expand all

    Bus containing vehicle feedback signals, including velocity, acceleration, and steering wheel torque.


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    Bus containing left, right, and lateral reference lane boundaries.

    Bus containing the vehicle reference signals, including longitudinal and lateral displacement, and steering.


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    Use the Steady-state initial conditions parameter to specify the steady-state initial conditions for the maneuver. By default, the simulation will not find or start the simulation at the steady-state operating points.

    Initialize from model

    Simulation starts maneuver at the simulation start time specified by Maneuver start time, t_start at longitudinal velocity of 0.

    Solve using block parameters

    Simulation finds the steady-state operating points using the parameters on the Steady-State Solver tab.

    Resume from a workspace variable

    Simulation starts at the steady-state operating points workspace variable specified by Steady-state solution to start from, ssVar.

    Workspace variable containing the steady-state operating points.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state solver mode to Resume from a workspace variable.

    Maneuver start time, in s.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Initialize from model.

    Inertial longitudinal position of gate entrance, in m.

    Target velocity.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Initialize from model or Solve using block parameters.

    Units for target velocity.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Initialize from model or Solve using block parameters.

    Vehicle width, in m.

    The left and right lane boundaries are a function of the Vehicle width parameter.

    Lateral offset, in m.

    Lateral reference position breakpoints, in m.

    Use the Lateral reference position breakpoints and Lateral reference data parameters to specify the lateral reference trajectory as a function of the longitudinal distance.

    Use the Lateral reference position breakpoints and Lateral reference data parameters to specify the lateral reference trajectory as a function of the longitudinal distance.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Initialize from model or Solve using block parameters.

    Steady-State Solver

    Initial vehicle CG position along the earth-fixed X-axis, in m.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Solve using block parameters.

    Initial vehicle CG position along the earth-fixed Y-axis, in m.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Solve using block parameters.

    Initial vehicle yaw angle about the earth-fixed Z-axis, in rad.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Solve using block parameters.

    Steady-state solver velocity tolerance.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Solve using block parameters.

    Maximum simulated time to reach steady-state, in s.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Solve using block parameters.

    Name of workspace variable containing steady-state operating points.


    To enable this parameter, set Steady-state initial conditions to Solve using block parameters.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2019a

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