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Video Formats

Defining Intensity and Color

Video data is a series of images over time. Video in binary or intensity format is a series of single images. Video in RGB format is a series of matrices grouped into sets of three, where each matrix represents an R, G, or B plane.

The values in a binary, intensity, or RGB image can be different data types. The data type of the image values determines which values correspond to black and white as well as the absence or saturation of color. The following table summarizes the interpretation of the upper and lower bound of each data type. In the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Base Data Types.

Data Type

Black or Absence of Color

White or Saturation of Color

Fixed point

Minimum data type value

Maximum data type value

Floating point




The Computer Vision Toolbox™ software considers any data type other than double-precision floating point and single-precision floating point to be fixed point.

For example, for an intensity image whose image values are 8-bit unsigned integers, 0 is black and 255 is white. For an intensity image whose image values are double-precision floating point, 0 is black and 1 is white. For an intensity image whose image values are 16-bit signed integers, -32768 is black and 32767 is white.

For an RGB image whose image values are 8-bit unsigned integers, 0 0 0 is black, 255 255 255 is white, 255 0 0 is red, 0 255 0 is green, and 0 0 255 is blue. For an RGB image whose image values are double-precision floating point, 0 0 0 is black, 1 1 1 is white, 1 0 0 is red, 0 1 0 is green, and 0 0 1 is blue. For an RGB image whose image values are 16-bit signed integers, -32768 -32768 -32768 is black, 32767 32767 32767 is white, 32767 -32768 -32768 is red, -32768 32767 -32768 is green, and -32768 -32768 32767 is blue.

Video Data Stored in Column-Major Format

The MATLAB technical computing software and Computer Vision Toolbox blocks use column-major data organization. The blocks' data buffers store data elements from the first column first, then data elements from the second column second, and so on through the last column.

If you have imported an image or a video stream into the MATLAB workspace using a function from the MATLAB environment or the Image Processing Toolbox, the Computer Vision Toolbox blocks will display this image or video stream correctly. If you have written your own function or code to import images into the MATLAB environment, you must take the column-major convention into account.

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