MATLAB and Simulink Training

Course Details

This one-day course describes techniques for testing Simulink® model behavior against system requirements using Simulink Test™, Simulink Requirements™, and Simulink Coverage™. Topics include:
  • Identifying the role of verification and validation in Model-Based Design
  • Creating test cases for Simulink models
  • Analyzing simulation results to verify model behavior
  • Automating testing activities and managing results
  • Automatically generating artifacts to communicate results

Day 1 of 1

Verification and Validation in Model-Based Design

Objective: Introduce verification and validation in the Simulink environment and discuss how it fits in to a typical project workflow using Model-Based Design.

  • Continuous test and verification
  • Types of verification
  • Electronic throttle control project

Developing Test Cases

Objective: Create time-based and logic-based test cases for a Simulink model.

  • Defining test cases
  • Generating test harnesses
  • Creating and importing test inputs
  • Incorporating logic in tests

Analyzing Test Results

Objective: Analyze test results of a Simulink simulation, both during and after the simulation.

  • Performing requirements-based assessments
  • Logging, inspecting, and comparing test results
  • Collecting model coverage

Building Test Suites

Objective: Create repeatable groups of tests and automatically generate reports from the test results.

  • Creating test files
  • Configuring simulation, baseline, and equivalence tests
  • Viewing and documenting test results

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 1 day

Languages: Deutsch, English, Français, 中文, 日本語, 한국어

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