Problems with 2014b running EXTREMELY slowly on Mac OS?
This is all on the same computer, right? I would expect R2012b and R2014b to have comparable performance on your Mac. Try some...

9 years ago | 0

error LNK 2019Cannot open include file: 'opencv/cv.h': No such file or directory
MEX is unaware of whatever settings you may have in a Visual Studio project. You will need to add the include folder to your ME...

9 years ago | 0

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Change the menu language to English
This is not elegant, but you can change the system's "Preferred Language" to English, start MATLAB, and then immediately set the...

9 years ago | 0

imshow() not working on mac
My guess is that Image Processing Toolbox is not installed. imshow used to be part of the Image Processing Toolbox, and was m...

9 years ago | 0

Set Visual C++ 2010 as default compiler for MATLAB 2014a
Can you check that you can create *64-bit* executables from within Visual Studio 2010 (and if not, install the necessary compone...

9 years ago | 0

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what is the difference between these two types of rgb matlab code ?
In the first case, R is not a 3-D image, but a 2-D image, which MATLAB will display as grayscale. You created R as 2-D when you...

9 years ago | 0

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Unable to read MAT-file E:\my_file.mat: not a binary MAT-file.
This sounds like something that should work. Try performing a checksum on the file on both computers and see what they report. ...

9 years ago | 0

Why does MATLAB think I have 5 output args when I have 6?
Do you mean that you are calling nargout from within the function, maybe inside the debugger? If so, nargout will be the number...

9 years ago | 0

Installing LibSVM on Mac OSX 10.9.2 (mex file error)
What version of MATLAB, and what version of Xcode are you running? My guess is that you're running a new version of Xcode, a ...

9 years ago | 1

How to solve Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached problem
A recursion depth of 500 is "absurd", almost surely indicating a problem in the code and not some limitation in MATLAB. The rec...

9 years ago | 0

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get an Excel file write data, but 'save as ...' (not overwrite the parent file)
The first argument to < xlswrite> is the filename, so use that to create n...

9 years ago | 1

i couldnt able to install matlab2014. please guide me to intall matlab.
Check your Mac's security settings, and allow apps downloaded from anywhere.

9 years ago | 0

MATLAB - 'Getting Status for Files' - Yosemite problem
Try turning off source code control integration as described <

9 years ago | 2

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How to get xlsread, xlswrite, actxserver to find, read and write to/from Excel 2010?
Could you be running a so-called "click to run" version of Office ( <> )? That version di...

9 years ago | 2

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Pre-determining the number of lines in a text file
If we can make two assumptions: * ASCII #10 is a reliable end-of-line marker * The entire file will fit into memory (that is...

9 years ago | 1

A small problem on my homework assignment has something to do with case expression.
I like Image Analyst's suggestion because a multiple-choice UI eliminate the need to check for bad input, but your professor mig...

9 years ago | 0

Convert Excel String time to number
This is not pretty, but you can split the string on the ':' and compute the number of seconds since midnight. The code below us...

9 years ago | 0

Trying to connect XCode 5 and Matlab 2014a and get an AWT-EventQueue-0 error
Presumably you are trying to debug a MEX-File. See the documentation topic <

9 years ago | 0

In MATLAB 2014b, how can I undock the editor into one window but dock all my scripts into that single window? (not dock them into the command window)
In the dark-blue frame of the editor window, # On the right-hand side, click the down-arrow icon (boxed in red in the screen ...

9 years ago | 3

No supported compiler found Matlab R2014a visual studio 2012 professional
I don't see a problem here ("MEX configured to use ..."). MEX is simply telling you that 64-bit array handling is changing.

9 years ago | 0

Patch for Matlab 2014a Student on OS X 10.10?
Whitney, yes, you do need a patch for R2014a to work with Yosemite. To the best of my knowledge, it is compatible with both pro...

9 years ago | 0

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How to get a vector from an excel sheet
Conversion from matrix to vector is: >> x = x(:);

9 years ago | 0

Question of automatically creating MATLAB folder
Try: >> userpath /my/custom/location Then restart MATLAB.

9 years ago | 20

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Could one install a 2014a toolbox along with release 2014b?
No, all of MathWorks products are released and tested together. Is there a particular reason you want to do this?

9 years ago | 0

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When will MATLAB be updated for OS X Yosemite?
MATLAB supports Yosemite as-of < R2014b>. Older release may also work, but ...

9 years ago | 2

to read multiple csv files
How many files are we talking about, and how big is each file? If you have R2014b, you may want to check out the new <http://...

9 years ago | 1

Urlread and write to an Excel sheet
< websave>, which is brand new as-of R2014b, might serve you better than ur...

9 years ago | 0

Mex with MATLAB R2014A & Xcode6
There is a similar problem (that is, problems with exactly the same OpenCV symbols) reported <

9 years ago | 1

xlsread 'basic' mode reading some text values as NaN
Like cyclist, I was able to load this file and first bringing it into Excel and saving it in the newer XLSX format (XLS has fall...

9 years ago | 1

Using a variable in fopen
You can use < fullfile> as a convenient way to create a full path from par...

9 years ago | 1

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