Insert array into larger array with unknown number of dimensions
It will probably hurt performance, but you could calculate the linear indices with sub2ind. Alternatively, you can use this tri...

1 year ago | 1

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precision of string conversion using string()
Let's first replicate what you show: my_fun([],@string) my_fun([pi]) my_fun([pi 1]) my_fun([pi 100]) my_fun([pi 127]) my_f...

1 year ago | 1

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Change colors (of groups) in scatter plot
As the documentation explains, you can set the colormap: a = [37 98 1; 35 94 1; 33 97 1; ...

1 year ago | 1

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Error using matlab.internal.math.interp1, Sample points must be unique.
interp1 is not intended to fit equations. There are other tools to do that. If you insist on using this function, you will eithe...

1 year ago | 0

Help creating a function
You need to call your function the same way you call builtin functions. If you use the green triangle, your function will be run...

1 year ago | 0

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How to use pdist2 command for distance calculation?
I don't expect the performance to be great, but you can use the option of specifying the distance calculation function. D = pdi...

1 year ago | 0

How to calculate the dice similarity coefficient
Let's first see what you have in those mat files: s1=load('prediction.mat') s2=load('groundtruth.mat') So you have two equal-...

1 year ago | 0

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Could a Phd uses a license Trial in a commercial company?
You should read the license agreement for a trial license. Since the PhD is in this case working for a commercial company, the ...

1 year ago | 0

How to determine frequency of a specific matrix row in MATLAB?
Let's first create the same variables William created: N=10000; A=randi(9,N,1); B=randi(9,N,1); C=randi(9,N,1); X=[A,B,C]; W...

1 year ago | 1

Repeated Measures Bland-Altman
Your questions is a statistics question, not a Matlab question. But no, this is not appropriate, since the presumtion underlyin...

1 year ago | 1

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calculating and plotting 95% confidence intervals
A 95% confidence interval means 2 standard deviations on either side. So you simply need to insert *2 in your code.

1 year ago | 0

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how can I plot the .jpg into a different part of an axis
You can use the image function to insert an image object in an axes. Below you see an example. As you can see, you will have to...

1 year ago | 0

Is it possible to delete "output argument warning"?
Why are you printing an error message with fprintf instead of throwing an exception with error function? Also, I personally pre...

1 year ago | 0

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xline with 1x3 array for the lable
The difference is having a scalar struct with an array field, or a struct array with scalar fields. Dot indexing the latter will...

1 year ago | 0


Convert text to image

1 year ago | 1 download |


Download file from website without url
What you need to do, is use the inspection tools of your browser to track the requests your browser makes when downloading a fil...

1 year ago | 0

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Extend the regexp function for old Matlab releases

1 year ago | 1 download |

Have you encountered different results using "parfor" vs. "for" loop using Matlab 2019b
Put simply, each worker in the parallel pool inherits the workspace from before the loop. So if you put your rng before the loo...

1 year ago | 0

is it possible to use multiple functions in cellfun
This is only possible if these functions have an output. But the more important question is why you want to use cellfun for a m...

1 year ago | 0

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Matlab update to
That is not an update to Matlab itself (which Mathworks will always write all caps). What you see is an update to a File Exchang...

1 year ago | 1

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how to save a midi message?
I haven't tested it myself, but < this> was on the first pa...

1 year ago | 1

Make two cell vector in one
A simple loop will do: A = {rand(1,5) , rand(1,5)}; B = {rand(1,5) , rand(1,5)}; C = cell(size(A)); for n=1:numel(C) C{...

1 year ago | 1

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Im trying to classify dental xray images in jpg format using SqueezeNet but there is error in the first input layer as it accepts only 227x227x3 whereas the jpg image data
The common strategy for using grayscale images in networks designed for color input, is to either replicate the images or to use...

1 year ago | 0

Function for sanitizing field name strings
You can use matlab.lang.makeValidName: s = 'name with spaces and a . in the middle'; matlab.lang.makeValidName(s)

1 year ago | 1

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How to plot shaded rectangles in between band gaps?
When you want to do something, try to split it into parts you can solve. In this case you want to draw rectangles. You can do so...

1 year ago | 0

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How to add personal email address to log in?
You can only link one single email address to your account. You can change it yourself on this page:

1 year ago | 1

How to get "reliable" rounding?
Your problem is not with how floats work, but with how decimal values work. If you look at the calender, you might notice somet...

1 year ago | 1

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Parfor, variable is indexed in different way
Each iteration of a parfor loop should be independent of every other. It is not obvious (neither for me, nor for Matlab) why thi...

1 year ago | 0

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Unable to upload image to Dropbox using Matlab code
Fun fact: you actually don't use the data variable anywhere in this code. This would have been obvious if you had put this code ...

1 year ago | 0

set uitable property everytime?
You only need to set properties if you want to change them, or if you want to ensure they have a specific value. This is true...

1 year ago | 0

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