
Diagonal Product of A Square Matrix
For a matrix A, calculate the product of its diagonal elements. * Assume all input matrices are square & corresponding element...

7 months ago


Reverse a string
Return a string with the characters in reverse order from a given input string Ex: my_str = "Ciao" function should output "...

7 months ago


Convert RGB to Grayscale
Convert a 3 element RGB array to its correspoding grayscale pixel (a scalar) *Hint: a formula exists!

7 months ago


Finding the Most Frequent Letter in a Text
You are given a text containing various English letters, digits and punctuation symbols. Your task is to find the most frequentl...

7 months ago


Remove Unique Elements
Given a list of integers, we want to keep only the non-unique elements in this list. To do this, we need to remove all the uniqu...

7 months ago


Find the number of diagonals in a n sided polygon.
Find the number of diagonals in a n sided polygon.

7 months ago


Matrix Rotation
Write a MATLAB function that rotates a given matrix by 90 degrees clockwise. The rotation should be performed in-place, without ...

7 months ago


Sort by absolute value
Given a list of numbers, arrange them in ascending order based on their absolute values. For example, for the list [-30, -5, 1...

7 months ago


Digits eliminate
Complete the function my_f(n,b) to return, for a given integer, the number obtained by removing the digits '0' and 'b'. If there...

7 months ago


Counting the occurrences of a digit in a book
The printer has printed a book with 'p' pages. How many times did they use the character 'd'? In other words, how many times doe...

7 months ago


Range of Values in a Matrix
Create a function that accepts a matrix of real numbers as input and returns the range of the values contained in the matrix. Th...

7 months ago


Alternate Arrangement
Determine the ways of arranging 'm' men and 'w' women alternatively in a row of 's' seats. Assumptions : s<m and s<w

7 months ago


Caracteres Unicos
Dada uma string, verifique se a string é composta de caracteres únicos, ou seja, nenhuma letra se repete. Retorne true ou false;...

7 months ago


Identify de Polignac numbers
The numbers 125 and 329 can be written as the sum of a prime and a power of 2. For example, , and . The numbers 127 and 331, whi...

7 months ago


List the Fermi-Dirac primes
The Fermi-Dirac “primes” are prime powers with exponents that are powers of 2. The first nine terms of the sequence are 2, 3, 4,...

7 months ago


List the semiprimes
A semiprime number—or a 2-almost prime—is the product of two prime numbers. The numbers and are semiprimes, but and are not....

7 months ago


Check if a directory is on the current MATLAB search path
Given a directory name as a string, return true if the directory is on the current MATLAB search path, and false otherwise.

7 months ago


compter le nombre de zéros dans une matrice
écrire une fonction count_zeros qui prend en entrée une matrice M et détermine le nombre de zéros dans une matrice

7 months ago


Compute the largest number whose prime factors sum to n
This problem deals with a sequence whose tenth term is 36 because the prime factors of 36 (2, 2, 3, 3) sum to 10. The number 32 ...

7 months ago


List the cuban primes
The number 61 is a cuban prime because it is prime and the difference two cubes, 64 and 125. Write a function to list the cuba...

7 months ago


List the Moran numbers
The quotient of a Moran number and its digit sum is prime. For example, 117 and 481 are Moran numbers because 117/(1+1+7) is 13 ...

7 months ago


Smallest n, for n! to have m trailing zero digits
For given positive integer n, its factorial often has many trailing zeros, in other words many factors of 10s. In order for n! t...

7 months ago


Průměr z výběrového souboru
Napište funkci, která vrátí průměr z hodnot vektoru data. Např data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] je prumer = 5.

7 months ago


Find Rows with Specift Properities
Delete rows with specific properites as following: Find rows that have a negative value in any element of the row and delete it...

7 months ago


Remove a specific column with min value
Remove the column that contain the min value in the matrix? If you like the problem, please give it a like:)

7 months ago


Remove a specific column with max value
Remove the column that contain the max value in the matrix? If you like the problem, please give it a like:)

7 months ago


Remove a specific row with min value
Remove the row that contain the min value in the matrix? If you like the problem, please give it a like:)

7 months ago


Remove a specific row with max value
Remove the row that contain the max value in the matrix? If you like the problem, please like it :)

7 months ago


Sum the two halves of an array with an even number of elements
given an array of an even number of elements, sum the front and back half of the array and return the sums as an array For exam...

7 months ago


Array Concatenation (2)
Given two matrices, a and b, concatenate the two matrices vertically, i.e., the number of rows of the result should be equal to ...

7 months ago

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