Aerospace Toolbox - MATLAB

Aerospace Toolbox


Aerospace Toolbox

Analyze and visualize aerospace vehicle motion using reference standards and models

Vehicle Motion Analysis

Analyze vehicle flight dynamics and motion in MATLAB using aerospace coordinate system transformations, flight parameters, and quaternion math.

Aircraft Controls and Stability Analysis

Use coefficients from Data Compendium (DATCOM) files based on your vehicle’s flight conditions and geometry to create fixed-wing aircraft objects, estimate aerodynamic stability and control, and perform numerical analysis.

Satellite Mission Analysis

Design and analyze scenarios consisting of satellites, ground stations, and aircraft. Perform mission analysis tasks such as computing line-of-sight access and identifying eclipse intervals.

Environment Models

Use validated environment models to represent standard atmospheric, gravity, and magnetic field profiles. Model wind conditions and space weather data. Calculate the position and velocity of celestial bodies using ephemeris data.


Visualize aerospace vehicle dynamics using standard cockpit flight instruments, MATLAB graphics-based functions, or the third-party FlightGear flight simulator.

Reference Applications

Jumpstart your analysis and visualization of aerospace vehicle systems with ready-to-run atmospheric flight and space examples.

“For NASA, developing satellite trajectory optimization and control algorithms with MATLAB and related toolboxes is about twice as fast as developing them with languages that require everything to be coded from scratch..”

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