Communications Toolbox - MATLAB

Communications Toolbox


Communications Toolbox

Design, simulate, and analyze the physical layer of communications systems

Waveform Generation

Generate a variety of customizable or standard-based physical layer waveforms. Use the Wireless Waveform Generator app to create test signals. Use waveforms as golden references for your designs.

RF Propagation and Channel Modeling

Perform ray tracing analyses on indoor and outdoor scenarios. Characterize effects of noise and fading. Account for path loss due to free space and atmospheric effects.

End-to-End Simulation

Simulate link-level models of communications systems. Explore what-if scenarios and evaluate system parameter tradeoffs. Obtain expected measures of performance such as BER, PER, BLER, and throughput.

AI for Wireless

Use AI for wireless challenges such as modulation scheme identification, RF fingerprinting, spectrum monitoring, and signal classification. Create synthetic signals with RF impairments to train AI models. Capture over-the-air signals with SDR hardware for training or testing purposes.

RF, Antenna, and MIMO

Model RF front end effects, antenna designs, and digital baseband systems in one environment. Include high-fidelity models of RF components, antennas, and phased array systems. Boost system performance with MIMO and massive MIMO multiple antenna techniques. Characterize MIMO receivers and channels.

Test and Measurement

Compute standard measurements, like EVM, ACPR, ACLR, MER, and CCDF, to quantitatively characterize system performance. Transmit over the air with hardware signal generators.

UWB, ZigBee, and Other Standards

Generate standard-based waveforms for ultra-wideband (UWB), ZigBee®, TV, ADS-B, broadcast FM, direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), and other systems. Simulate end-to-end links with relevant channel models and reference receiver designs for those same systems.

Performance Acceleration

Use multiple local cores, enterprise clusters, GPUs, AWS®, and FPGAs to accelerate communications link simulations. Achieve several orders of magnitude improvement over a single CPU.

Software-defined radios for over-the-air transmission and reception.

Software-Defined Radio

Connect your transmitter and receiver models to radio devices and verify your designs via over-the-air transmission and reception.

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