Simulink Report Generator - MATLAB

Simulink Report Generator

Automate Report Generation from Simulink Models and Simulations

Create report programs using the Report API and Document Object Model (DOM) API to document, archive, and share information from your models and simulation results.

Generate Standard Reports

Capture summary or detailed information about a system design and its associated requirements represented by a Simulink model. Archive the system design in a format independent of the modeling environment.

Create Model Web Views

Create web views of your Simulink models that look the same in a web browser as models viewed in the Simulink editor. Share web views royalty-free with colleagues who do not have Simulink installed.

Tool Qualification and Certification

Customize testing and code generation reports generated from models. Include artifacts for DO-178, ISO 26262, IEC 61508, and related industry standards.

“We can trace requirements in Word or Telelogic® DOORS® to Simulink models, generated code, and code-level tests in LDRA. And we can use Simulink Report Generator and DO Qualification Kit for DO-178 certification”